Chapter 5 (Fun With Cage arc)

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Stryker was sitting on a chair, watching as Noah Burstein was doing some stuff in the lab. He was creating it, the serum, the thing that made Luke Cage who he is now. He coughed, making Noah turn at him, he then spoke, a smile plastered on his face.

Stryker:"How do I know you're doing a good job?"

He asked as he looked at the man's fearful eyes. Noah stared at the man then spoke, silently.

Noah:"You'll have to trust me..."

He muttered. Willis slowly stood up and took small steps towards the doctor. He stopped in front of him and smiled, speaking with venom in his voice.

Stryker:"You wouldn't do me wrong, right?"

He said, injecting fear into the poor man's heart. Noah nodded quickly, trembling with fear as he tried to find the right words.

Noah:"Y-Y-Yeah... I-I won't do anything b-bad! I swear!"

Willis stared at him for a few seconds then stood up, a smile plastered on his face as he hit the side of his legs.

Willis:"You promised, that's great!"

He then slowly turned around as he saw Spear and Mangler walk in. Spear walked to Willis while Mangler stayed behind, his head hanging low. Willis took a big step, stopping in front of Spear with a smile.

Willis:"Hey, I'm hoping you guys brought me good news."

He then saw the Mangler's face and the smile slowly left his face as Spear begun talking.

Spear:"We had a small problem..."

He said, making Willis tilt his head, his eyes widened and a smile back on his face.

Willis:"A problem..."

He then turned at Noah who was silently watching. He spoke as he pointed to the Spear.

Willis:"You hear that? They had a problem!"

He then chuckled, the chuckles turned into laughing as the Mangler and Spear watched, uneased. Willis then suddenly took out his gun and shot Spear's right kneecap, making him fall to the ground as he shouted in pain.


The man rushed towards Spear as Willis kept his smile on his face. The Mangler then looked up at Willis, on his knee while checking on Spear. Willis' smile disappeared and he spoke in a threatening voice.

Willis:"If you don't come back with my delivery again..."

He pointed the gun to Spear's head and spoke with venom in his voice.

Willis:"I'll kill you, then everyone you ever loved, starting with..."

He then turned the gun to the Mangler and spoke.

Willis:"Your unlovable punk of a brother. Understood?"

He asked, pushing Spear's head using the end of his gun. Spear nodded quickly, scared. Willis slowly nodded and pointed the gun to the ceiling before speaking.

Willis:"The only one of you I need in my operation is Noah, don't forget that."

He said as he pointed the gun to Noah. He then turned back at the brother, the gun sideways in his hand.

Willis:"Rest of you are useless."

Spider-Boy landed inside the living room and the first thing he saw was a heavily injured Iron Fist on the coffee table. Claire slowly took something out and threw it in a metal bowl before speaking.

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