Chapter 6 (Fun With Cage arc)

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Stryker:"It's done..?"

The man asked and approached the scientist, a sick smile on his face. Noah nodded and showed the man the liquid.

Noah:"It's a serum."

Stryker stared at it and asked, his voice getting cold.

Stryker:"How do I know this won't kill me?"

Noah answered calmly, and shook his head to the question.

Noah:"Because I have no reasons to betray you."

Stryker stared at the doctor and nodded.

Stryker:"I'm trusting you."

Y/N:"You know, I feel like life is made out of chocolate sometimes."

The boy smiled and took another bite from his cake. He hears a scoff and looks at his left, seeing Mayday, her arms crossed, a disapproving look on her face.

Mayday:"Did Tyrone give you that?"

He looked at her, his eyes widened. He then nodded as he stuffed the last bit of cake in his mouth. Mayday frowned and spoke up.

Mayday:"Hey! I told you, you shouldn't eat that many sweets!"

Y/N grinned and shrugged without a care.

Y/N:"I got through worse."

Mayday shook her head with a small smile. She then approached him and whispered softly.

Mayday:"How's the wound?"

Y/N:"Could be better."

He mumbled and threw the trash into the bin. He looked at Mayday, staying still, and spoke.

Y/N:"Hurts a lot, but I deserved it."

Mayday:"What do you mean?"

The girl asked, softly as she sat next to him. Mayday faced Y/N, making him look away, embarrassed.

Y/N:"I'm just not good enough..."

He whispered softly and looked at her with a small smile.

Y/N:"And that's okay, you know. Sometimes you're just not good enough, but that doesn't make you bad it anything..."

Mayday listened carefully as the boy kept talking.

Y/N:"But I was beaten so easily, a punch, a bullet and I'm out of the game... It shouldn't be that easy Mayday."

He sighed and looked up at the ceiling, the back of his neck resting at the couch. Mayday placed her hand softly on his hand and smiled at him, making him slowly turn at her.

Mayday:"Y/N, what you're doing is wonderful. You're a hero, no matter how bad you think you are, there are a lot of people who would disagree with you..."

She then stared directly into his eyes, making Y/N do the same.

Mayday:"You were beaten easily, so what? You stood up again and that's what makes you... You, you know..?"

She then chuckled at her words and shook her head.

Mayday:"I wanted to say that's what makes you a hero."

Y/N smiled at her his eyes fixed on hers. He caressed her hand with his thumb and nodded.

Y/N:"Thanks... That means a lot to me."

He stared at her eyes, silence filling the room. Before a word could be said, a phone rang, making Y/N groan and look at her.

Y/N:"It's yours?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2023 ⏰

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