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Dorf, Link, Zelda, and Daruk were on the south side of death mountain, where the hot springs were; the trio agreed to meet Daruk there because it was one of the places on death mountain that would miss the trio on fire. Zelda was longing in the hot springs while Daruk, Link, and Dorf were standing by a rock pillar. Daruk had changed Link and Dorf to a race to the top of the rock pillar." On your mark, get set, go!" The three of them all started to climb the rock Daruk in the lead, then Dorf and the last link. Dorf smiled when he started climbing. It was easy for him; it was just like climbing the cliff to get to the oasis in the desert.

It was a close race, and the three of them made it to the top simultaneously. The three of them look out onto the Valley Dorf and link, amazed by the view. "Good job, brothers; no one has been able to keep up with me." ( no one has ever called me a brother before.) Link signed." Well, link, I've known you since I was a kid, and you are one of the few people that don't see me as an embodiment of Dimise, so I consider you a brother." Daruk laughs and slaps Link on the back, almost knocking him off the rock." Yay, little man! You should listen to Dorf; you have much more family than you think!"

"Will you guys come down? We have work to do!" The three of them looked down, and so Zelda was standing at the bottom of the rock." The last one down is a rotten egg!" Dorf yelled immediately. He started to climb down." Hey!" Daruk yelled at both of them, and Link began to after him. When they get down to the ground, Dorf jumps on top of Link, knocking them to the ground, and they both burst out laughing, but Zelda just glared at them." Will the two of you stop acting like children? We are the holders of the triforce and the only ones that can defeat the calamity! And I still haven't unlocked my ceiling power!" Dorf got up; he felt bad for his friend the king puts so much pressure on her." Well, Zelda, it's not like you have never used your power. You saved me when he where just a baby." Dorf tried to help her feel better, but it just made things worse." Do we have been told, but we were babies, Dorf? I don't remember what I did to save you. Father, don't get that. I don't know how I did it; he thinks that cus I did it once, I should easily do it again. And you, Dorf, you have figured out how to use your triforce of power for good, and Link can use his triforce piece of courage  while I'm utterly useless." Dorf sighed. The three might hold the peace of the all-powerful triforce, but it is more like a curse.

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