Death of a queen

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It was raining which Zelda found appropriate it was like Hylia her self was crying for the dead queen. even at five Zelda mind was vary sharp she knew that her mother was dead and never coming back. They where on a stage with the the chef of the gerudo, ruto, Zora, and Goron where with them. The only one she recognized was chef Urbosa and her little brother ganondorf Urbosa was her mother's best friend and from what she hired that when he was born demise malice ripped through his body and it was she who freed him from demise hate ,  became of the attack ganondorf endured at such a young age they say he won't be as big as past male gerudo she hadn't been able to use her powers since then and she wanted to know why.

ganondorf was shifting where he stood even though he is not connected with the calamity he was getting Glares from a lot of hylian's. But the the history of his name and of voe gerudo was bad. Urbosa  had her hand him ganondorfs shoulder protectively during the entire ceremony. when it was finally over dorf snuck away from the  after party he now knows why Urbosa didn't take him out of the desert very often the Glares, hatful words, and hushed whispers all detected towards him. He didn't like it but he was not going to give into hate he knows that path and it never ends well for anyone.

Dorf found a secluded Area of the Royal Gardens. Dorf sighed with relief to be away from the hatful Glares of the hyaline's he sat down under a tree and just looked at all of the plant life all around him he has never seen this much greenery in the desert and he found it amazing he just sat back and closed his eyes to listen to nature. This was shattered when a Bucket of cold water fell on his head chilling him to the bone and soaked him completely the sound of laughter filled the air two teen hylians boys hi five each other." Oh is the king of all evil  cannot take a little water."  The older one of the two said stepping forward but before he could continue a small rock hit him in the face dorf turned and so the princess Zelda." Leave him alone!" The boys don't want to be on the kings  wrong side so they glared at them and left Zelda came up to him and held out her hand to help him up he gladly took it." Hello ganondorf I apologize for them some hylians can't let go of the past." Sav'aaq Zelda I prefer to be called dorf and sarqso I know that a voe gerudo has brought darkness to this land but I am no longer connected to that fate thanks to you." Zelda blushed." You don't need to thank me dorf I don't even know how to use my power anymore and now that mother is gone I am going to be all on my own now." Dorf noticed her lack in power in herself. Zeldas eyes widened in shock as the Tri-force of power on his hand he smirked and then he let go." How do you fell." Zelda got out of her shook." Um better how did you do that." " well I found out that I can give people power instead of taking it." Zelda nodded and then a gust of wild blew dorf shivered at being wet made the wind cut straight through his bones."  Zelda took his hand." Come on let's get you dried off and warmed up." And with that dorf and Zelda left the garden.

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