the birth of ganondorf

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The the night Urbosa greated  qreen Hilda  her best friend since childhood  as she entered gerudo town. " Hello your majesty I'm surprised you came here yourself since you had Zelda a month Ago?" Hilda nodded. " Yes that is true I brought her to meet you." Urbosa moved closer as Hilda moved the sling to reveal the child she looked exactly like her mother her blue eyes opened and looked at urbosa her eyes filling with wisdom even if she was just an infant the desert night was much better for the infinite then the blazing day.

" Hello little bird you are going to do great things." Suddenly a gerudo guard came running in there direction. " Urbosa your mother has gone into labor." Urbosa eyes widened her mother wasn't do until two more months. Urbosa began to run back to her house where her mother was horrible thoughts filled her head of both her mother and sister dieing.

It felt so much longer to get to her house then it normally did. Urbosa was stopped my her aunt. " Wow Urbosa calm yourself." Urbosa glared at her aunt." Aunt Aveil mother and sister come be dead." Aveil gave her nece a where we look. " It is ok urbosa both riju and the child is ok but there is something you need to know." This cost both Urbosa and Hilda were confused at this statement. " What is the problem mis Aveil?" Hilda asked. " The baby is a voe." Both Urbosa and Hilda eyes widened in surprise.

Urbosa and Hilda followed Aveil into the room where chiefdess riju was lying in the bed with a small bondal in her arms riju looked up and so her daughter and the queen in the room she smiled. " Urbosa come and meet you brother." Both urbosa and Hilda walked over and so the child sleeping in his mother's arm." Can I hold him." Urbosa asked and her mother nodded handing the baby over to her daughter urbosa smiled gently at her brother.

Suddenly the baby's opened his eyes whid and he started to scream in  pain it should like her was being torn apart. Urbosa tried fruitlessly to calm the child but it was know use. Then a soft glow came from the bundle in Hilda sling Hilda pulled out Zelda and the triforce of wisdom apetd on her hand as Zelda made grabdy moshins as the voe child Hilda brot Zelda to the voe child and them Zelda grabbed the voe hands and then the triforce aperd on his hand the glowing grew stronger and a black cloud of malice shaped as a dragon left the voe's body and flew away into the night and the screaming calmed down both children fell into a quiet slumber.

" What was that?" Aveil asked Hilda spoke up. " I think that was demises malice leaving the boys body and I think Zelda helped free him from a tribal fait. We are going to need to do some more research on this thought this has never happened before" Cheifdiss riju nodded in agreement. I think your right your majesty and I know the perfect name for him he should be called ganondorf. " Urbosa nodded in response felling the name was meant to be she looked at her little brother sleeping in her arms still holding Zelda's hand  and gave him a general kiss on his forehead. " Sleep well my little Wolfe you are going to do great things."

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