Triforce trio 

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Dorf and Zelda had become friends since they met and the only reason the king lets dorf hang out with his daughter is because dorf already unlocked  his triforce power and the king hopes that this will help Zelda unlock her sealing power. Right now the two of them where in the garden Zelda reading a book while dorf practice his Gerudo spear, dorf sister tried to get him to use a sword but dorf wanted to separate himself from his past selves as much as possible so he chose the spear instead of the sword.

Suddenly a crash caught their attention dorf pointed his spear ready to protect his friend when a hylian boy stumbled out of the bushes with a practice sword in his left hand. Both Zelda and dorf looked at each other with confusion and then back at the boy." Um hello there that's you doing in the royal garden." The boy stud up and looked around anxiously before moving his hands in different jesters. Zelda was confused at this but dorf spoke up." Hello link I am Dorf and this is my friend Zelda." Link was shocked that this dorf could understand him." How did you know what he was saying?" Dorf looked sheepishly at his friend." He is using HSL hylian sign language one of the children in garodo town is mute so that is how she communicates link said that he name is link and he is the son of a knight he was practicing his sword fighting when the king found him he wasn't supposed to be here also that he is selectively mute he only talks to his family or close friends."

Zelda gave link a kind smile." I know my father can look scary but he is not as bad as he looks." Link nodded to her in response." Link dorf do you think you can teach me HSL please." Dorf and link looked at her in confusion." Why?" Dorf asked. " well I will be queen one day and I want to be able to understand anyone so ever one can have a voice." Link smiled and the three of them sat under a tree while both dorf and link taught zelda HSL.

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