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Hilda had urbosa come with her back to the Castle to research what happened to Dorf well the chieftain looks after her new son.  " Sarqso Hilda." Hilda nodded. " Your welcome I must admit I am curious to see if there is anything in the library that will tell us what happened because from my knowledge this has never happened before."

Hilda and urbosa scoured the library from top to bottom looking through Evey book they could trying to find out the source of the malice that left Dorf. After almost looking through the he library reading about all the tribal thing the past ganondorf's and urbosa hated this her tribe being put in a dark light and the saposid fate of her little brother. In a bounce out of frustration she through a book at a wall when the book colidid with the wall with the wall it opened a secret compartment in the wall. "Sa'oten! Hilda did you know about this?" But Hilda shook her head as she pulled opened the compartments are there there was only one book covered in dust and cobwebs. " I did not it seems this compartment hasn't been open in years."

As they cracked open the books the story was of how a hero fought against demise The demon King with the help of a girl with goddess blood. " On his dieing breath demise said those like you those who Share the blood of the goddess and the spirit of the hero they are eternally bound to this curse. An incarnation of my hatred shall ever follow your kind, dooming them to wander a blood soaked sea of darkness for all times." Urbosa re-read that paragraph over and over again trying to find a meaning to those words.

" It makes sense this curse that demise put on my family is what caused all the other ganondorf's to turn evil they will filled with Denise's hatred the calamity should be called calamity demise instead of Ganon so the people don't connect Dorf with the calamity." Urbosa remember the malice that left Dorf body. " That was demises hate that left Dorf what's in it?" Hilda nodded. " My theory is that after all the years of failure as ganondorf the hate started to attack Dorf as punishment but my little Zelda as well as dorf's old triforce piece we're able to drive the hate of demise out of Dorf." A spark of hope flash through urbosa's eyes. " So does that mean Dorf is going to be ok?" Hilda gave her friend a kind smile. " Yes my friend but he might be shorter than a normal garudo from the attack on his young body but besides that he will be fine." 

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