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Zelda was frustrated her father had appointed link and dorf to fallow her around she. She felt it's not like she hates her friends but she felt Lester out of the three of them dorf could use his power since he was a young child and link was able to pull out the master sword. Right now Zelda was heading to Zora's Domain." I've never seen this much water before." Dorf said looking around." That is because you live I'd a Desert." Link said quickly since they where only one's on the trail and since link see's dorf and as sibling and maybe like Zelda a little more than a friend so he felt comfortable to talk to them." Well at least I didn't dragged by a sand seal while trying to ride it." Link glared at dorf." Hey it's not my fault that sand seal had it out for me."

Zelda snapped." Will you to take this seriously, dorf you have the triforce of power, link you have the triforce of courage you with the calamity is coming the three of us have the power to stop it, so stop acting like children." The ride became quite after that. When they finally made it to zora's Domain they where greeted by mipha and Sidon where whiting for them." Greetings princess Zelda, sir link, and lord Gabondorf." Dorf shuffle to awkwardly." I prefer to be called dorf I want to separate my selfie from the darkness of that name." Mipha nodded." I understand why you would want to separate you self from that names dark past come out father want to talk to you."

As they walked to meet king Dorephan dorf felt eyes on him but he was use it that being the first voe gerudo in a thousand years plus. When they entered the throne room the three of them look up at the Zoe's king." Welcome princess, link, and dorf welcome I've been wanting to discuss the problem of the calamity." Zelda spoke first." That is why we came here your majority there has been more monster attacks and malice tainting the land we need mipha to train with her divine beast." King Dorephan paused for a moment." Please father I am ready to take on this task." Dorephan sighed." You are right mipha you are old enough to help to take on this task." As soon as they left the throne room dorf felt a tug on his pants when he looked down and little Sidon was looking up at him eyes shining which was odd since even the young ones she hesitant of him.dorf kneeled down to his hight." Well hello little voe what do you want." Sidon pointed to the spear on his back." It seems like my brother likes you spear." Dorf took his spear off is back." This is a gerudo spear it looks different from the ones the Zora's use do you want to hold it." Sidon nodded eagerly dorf carefully put in Sidon small hands Sidon almost fell over but dorf held him up. Sidon gives dorf a big smile." Haha you are going to be a great Warrior just like your sister."

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