Chapter 1

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*Picture is of Lily-Rose Sykes*

Maybe if I tell Mrs. Adams I'm not feeling very well, she'll let me skip class and send me to the nurse instead.

I thought to myself as I sat at my desk towards the back of the English classroom.

After all, having anxiety is just as bad as being sick, right? How can I get out of this?

I thought, fidgeting in my chair, trying ever so hard not to make eye contact with Mrs. Adams so she won't choose me to present my speech next.

Maybe if I- My thoughts where cut off by by my name being called.

"Lily-Rose, you're up next." Mrs. Adams told me, looking at me with a smirk on her face. Stupid cow knows about my anxiety issues and yet she still makes me do my speech in front of the whole class.

I stand up from my seat, slowly begging myself not to have a panic attack as my vision becomes blurry and my throat starts to ache from trying to hold in the oncoming tears threatening to spill over. As I make my way up to the front of the class, I hear whispering coming from my fellow peers.

"Look at the stupid little nerd, crying to get her way again."

"She does this every time!"

"Attention whore!"


I try to take deep breaths like Uncle Tom has showed me so many times before. I soon start to feel slightly better and I think I can start my speech on the film we've been studying in class, Shawshank Redemption. I take one last deep breath, fixing my glasses that are perched upon my nose to help me see better. I notice I'm beginning to feel slightly lightheaded. Oh no, please not right now. Not in front of everyone! I think to myself as I ignore the feeling and compose myself and begin my speech.

"In the film, Shawshank Redemption..."

That's the last thing I remember before I black out, once again. Curse you, stupid anxiety attack!

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