Chapter 5

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Bright lights and gasping for air is how I woke. Frantically looking around the bright room to find a familiar face. I stopped searching when my eyes fell upon Nichols sitting in the chair beside me.

"Hey babygirl, how are you feeling?" He asked me, becoming aware of my awakening.

"I..I'm okay. Sleepy and my throat hurts, but I'm okay." I told him, scrunching up my face because of how much my throat hurt.

"Where's my dad?" I asked him, becoming aware of his absence.

"He's just stepped outside for a second to talk to the doctor. He should be- "
Nichols began to tell me before he got cut off with the door opening to reveal my dad.

"Hey baby, how are you feeling?" He asked me with a concerned look on his face, coming and sitting on the side of my bed.

"I'm okay dad, my throat hurts though and I'm super sleepy."

"Well I'm glad you're okay then. You rest up and I'll go get the doctor." He told me about to get up before he noticed the worried look on my face.

"It's okay baby, I'll be here when you wake up, I promise. If I'm not, Nichols will. Won't you mate?" Dad told me turning around to give Nichols a stern look.

"Yeah of course, I'm not going anywhere soon princess. You just get some rest." He reassured me, reaching up to kiss my forehead, followed by dad doing the same and walking out the door to get the doctor.



"Will you lie down with me?"

"Of course princess." He told me, getting out of the chair beside me to climb onto the bed to lie next to me.

Now, many of you probably find this weird, that my dad's best friend is currently holding me while I'm lying in a hospital bed, but Mat Nichols has been there since the day I was born. Ever since the day my mum left us. He's like a second parent to me. Having him around is like having two dads. I go to him for things dad wouldn't understand or when my dad is too busy. I mean, don't get me wrong, the rest of the guys in BMTH are great and all but I just have a special connection with Nichols.

Slowly drifting off to sleep, the last thing I heard before I fell asleep was the door opening, my dad 'awwing' and the sound of a camera flash going off.

I'm going to get him for that when I wake up...

Sorry you had to wait so long for this and I'm sorry it's so bad but I knew I had to update soon and I didn't quite know what to write but this will have to do until next chapter.

~ Caitlin

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