Chapter 11

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Anyway, a new chapter as promised :)


After a few hours on the plane, I had to use the restroom and my legs started to cramp up.

Dad thought it would be a good idea for me to walk up the aisle a bit to regain feeling in them again.
I stood up from my seat, wobbling a bit because of my numb legs, and then proceeded to walk down the aisle to the restroom.

Once I was finished experiencing an aeroplane toilet for the first time, I made my way back to my seat. Before I got all the way to my seat next to Jordan and Dad, I found Nichols and Vegan seated next to each other with a spare seat next to them.

"Hey, where is Lee?" I asked looking at the spare seat.
"I'm right here Lils." I heard someone in the seat in front say. I look up to find Lee seated in the seat in front of Nichols and Vegan, twisted around to face me.

"Why aren't you sitting here?" I asked confused.

"They got my seat mixed up so I have to sit here, but it's cool. At least I don't have to sit next to those two idiots." He told me, laughing at Nichols and Vegan's reactions.

"Hey! Shut up!" Vegan retorted. Which resulted in Lee and Vegan to start throwing insults at each other.

"How are you holding up Jellybean?" Nichols asks me over the other two fighting. Pulling me down and into the empty seat next to him.

"I'm okay. I started to lose feeling in my legs for a while there, but Dad told me to get up and have a bit of a walk so they're okay now."

"That's good, how about your ears? Jordan told me you were having trouble with the air pressure of the plane."

"They feel like they're blocked, like they have water in them or something but they don't hurt anymore which is good." I told him, curling up next to him as much as I could considering I'm sitting in a chair with arm rests in-between. 

"Lily, have you had your first go at an aeroplane toilet yet?" Vegan asks deciding to give up the fake fight between.

"Yeah, I just went and at first the toilet wouldn't flush so I pressed the flush button like 3 times and then all of a sudden it worked and it felt like I was going to get sucked in!" I laughed telling them my first toilet experience. They all laughed with me.

"Your Dad told me that the first time he went on a plane the same thing happened to him except he was a lot younger than you and he almost fell in." Nichols told me, chuckling away.
"Yeah, go ask him!"
"Yeah, I should probably get back to my seat before he sends out a search party for me." I told them giggling.

After saying goodbye to them, I walked back to my seat to find Jordan asleep and dad playing on his phone.
"Hey, I was wondering where you got to." Dad told me once I sat down in-between him and Jordan.
"I found Nichols, Vegan and Lee on the way back from the toilet so I stopped to talk to them."
"What did you guys talk about?" He asked.
"Not much. But Nichols did tell me that you almost feel down the toilet on your first aeroplane trip." I told him giggling.
"What? That was meant to be a secret! NICHOLS!"

The whole 'toilet sucking me down' situation actually happened to me the first time I used a toilet on a plane. I didn't actually get sucked down - obviously - but it felt like it.

Thank you to the people who have stayed with me throughout this story even though I suck at updates and all that and also thank you to the people who have watch my youtube video. If you haven't and would like to, the link in on my profile.

Thank you!

~ Caitlin

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