Chapter 7

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Waking up in dad's bed (A/N not gross sounding at all...) again was not a surprise. What surprised me though, was the noise I could hear coming from downstairs.

Slowly getting out of bed, due to feeling dizzy still and slightly exhausted, I made my way down stairs to see the whole of BMTH plus Uncle Tom running around busy doing what looked like, packing?

"What's going on?" I asked Lee when he walked past the staircase I was still standing on, looking confused as ever.

"I think you might want to go talk to your Dad, love." He told me walking into the lounge room.

Following Lee into the lounge room, I was met with Uncle Tom and Dad having, what looked to be, a heated discussion.

"Dad? Uncle Tom, what's going on?"

"Hey sweetie, how are you feeling?" Uncle Tom asked, pulling me into one of his famous bear hugs that I so desperately needed.

"I'm okay, I kinda feel dizzy still and a bit exhausted but other than that I'm okay." I said pulling away from him to be pulled into a hug from Dad.

"I'm glad you're okay love, just take it easy for the rest of the day, yeah?" Uncle Tom added ruffling up my hair with a smile on his face. I nodded smiling back at him and then turned to look up at my Dad.

"Dad, what's going on, why are you packing? Are you going on tour again?" I asked tearing up a little.

Now is probably the worst time for them to go on tour. I mean, I love my Dad touring and so does he but I always have to stay behind to go to school. I've only ever been on tour with him once and it was only for a week when he did a local tour. Now that my anxiety is getting worse, I don't think I could handle staying behind without my dad and the band this time.

I start to overthink, causing me to have shortened breath.

Oh no, not again. I think to myself.

"Baby, just calm down okay, here, sit down." Dad said leading me to one of the sofas.

"Yes Love we are going on tour again, but this time I think it would be best if you come with us. What do you think?"  

I know it's only short, I'm sorry I just had to get this bit out of the way so I can write the bit I actually thought of this morning. Next part should be out soon and I might have to do a little time skip. I don't know, I'll work it out. 
I hope you enjoy the chapter and don't forget to vote, comment follow etc. :)
Thank you

~ Caitlin

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