6.Cheap goods

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Shen Qingze looked through the farmer's suit three times indifferently, and finally found a line of small words in the corner: After wearing the full set, the efficiency of farm work can be increased by 100%.

The attached set effect barely cured the depression of 20 charm points.

Putting on the farmer's attire, Shen Qingze put the iron rake on the cattle, and started to work in the field against the autumn tiger.

There are not many food crops in the Dawn Continent, and most of them do not survive the winter. Players who are interested in farming must purchase high-quality seeds in the system store.

The first-level system store provides seeds of common crops, and a small bag of ten copper coins. The field hadn't been irrigated yet, so Shen Qingze specially chose several cold-resistant, drought-resistant and high-yield crops, potatoes, sweet potatoes and winter wheat.

Get through the first winter of what you want and what you lack, and wait for the spring of the next year to start irrigation and composting, and intensive cultivation to increase the yield per mu.

After the system's one-click exchange, all the farmland has been upgraded to fertile black soil, but Shen Qingze has to do the physical work such as loosening the soil, plowing the ground, and sowing seeds himself.

With a total of 40 mu of land, even a family of skilled farmers would have to work hard for many days, let alone Shen Qingze, a novice who went to the field for the first time.

Even with the guidance of the system, after working in the field for half a day, Shen Qingze obviously felt back pain. After a whole day, his arms were so sore that he could barely lift it. It is entirely conceivable that those farmers with their backs turned to the sky in the loess, day after day , year after year of hard work.

"Mechanization is long and far away, and I will search for labor force up and down..."

Sunset on the west mountain, red clouds burn from the sky to the mountains and fields. The old yellow ox plowing the field is lowing, and its slender tail sweeps the field mosquitoes back and forth. From time to time, passing villagers stand far away on the edge of the field, pointing and laughing at the young people who are not skilled in farming.

"Brother Shen, you can't live in winter if you grow wheat now! If you plant it, you will grow white!"

" Didn't Daddy Li tell you that there will be a wave of beasts before winter? The more you plant now, the more monsters and beast slaves will come in by then."

"Brother Shen's thin skin and tender flesh, he doesn't seem to be made for rough work!"

" When he hits the south wall, he will understand our kind reminder!"

Shen Qingze didn't care about this joke, only thinking about it How to solve the problem of labor force. It is impossible to rely on him alone. Judging by the attitude of other villagers, even if he gave the seeds to everyone, they may not believe that these crops can survive the winter.

The price of food in the city is still rising. Obviously, the last orc attack caused a lot of losses.

Once they came to plunder again, Shen Qingze doubted whether the food imported into Abyss City would be enough for half of the people to survive this winter, no matter how many gold coins in hand, it would not be as reassuring as storing food in the warehouse.

Shen Qingze, who was carrying the hoe and frowning in thought, finally came to his senses under the calling of Father Li.

The little old man stood in the shade and waved to him, and the big white dog squatted aside obediently and wagged its tail.

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