How you meet

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I wrote this book when I was around 12  AND IM 17 NOW. and I really had a super immature writing soooo i just want to tell you in advance about my grammar mistakes and typos. I hope you enjoy this book!!



You were walking home from school when you passed a forest and heard static noises. You got curious and walked into the forest. You walked deeper and deeper and you got lost, constantly hearing the static noises. You looked around and saw a faceless man. He was wearing a suit and had long slender arms.

'Are you lost,(Y/N)?' He asked calmly.

You were scared of how he looked and how he actually knew your name. 'Y-y-es, mister or s-sir or whatever your name i-is.' You stuttered.

He laughed and came closer to you. 'My name is Slender Man. You can call me Slendy for short. And I,Miss (Y/N), will be taking you home safely.'

He took you home and told you could come back if ever you wanted a friend.


Jeff the Killer:

You were sleeping at your bed when you heard rustling noises from your window. You checked your window and it was open. Perhaps, the wind blew it open, you thought.

You stood up to close it but as soon as you reached the window, a knife was held at your throat. You looked into the window's reflection and saw a man with large, burnt eyes and a smile carved in his face.

'Go.To.Sleep.' He whispered. Looking at his knife. But when he saw his reflection his eyes widened. 'Ohh. I look hot.' He looked closely at his reflection and ran his hand through his hair.

'Don't I?' He asked you.

'Y-yes. Absolutely.' You nodded nervously.

'Well, then, (Y/N), I'll put you to sleep later on. I'll be around. See you,(Y/N).' He smiled.

And with that, he jumped off the window and fled with the evening sky.


BEN Drowned:

You were playing Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask when you beat the game.

'Yes!' You were dancing around with your controller and singing some shit.

The TV started to malfunction and buzzed and static replaced it. And then there were words. It read:

'You shouldn't have done that.'

You tried to turn the TV off but you couldn't.Then a guy came out of the TV. It had green clothes like what leprechauns would wear. (Not that he's a leprechaun.) and had elf ears.

'Waw.' He said. 'I'm impressed.' He smirked.
'Well,(Y/N), I'm hoping we could play together sometime.' And with that, he went back in the TV.



You were running in the forest for fun and whatnot. Until, you tripped on a bark and sprained your ankle.

You cried and you heard twigs snapping.

'W-who's there?' You breathed in the ever-cold night.

'Hello.' A deep voice spoke. 'Are you okay?' And then a boy with light brown hair wearing a mask with a feminine face with a tan jacket came close to you.

'N-no. I-I sprained m-my a-ankle.' You tried holding back your tears.

'I'll help you get home.' And with that, he carried you home. While he carried you, you both talked about yourselves. And you found out that he loves cheesecakes too!


You bought yourself some awesome, cool hoodies.

You tried a hoodie that had blue flames in it.

You looked at the mirror.
'Waw. I look hot.' You said.

'Yep. You do.' A voice from behind you said.

You looked at your mirror and saw a boy with a hoodie and a mask. Red eyes and mouth sewn.

'Were you watching me the whole time I got dressed?' You asked. Covering your other bare parts.

He scratched his head. 'Eh..well.. Maybe...yeah. No. Anyway, see you soon. I'm hoping that you'd be wearing that when we meet again.'

And he left.

Ticci Toby:

You were walking home late and suddenly, a group of men started following you. Whistling sexual comments. You got scared and ran into an alley. You walked farther into the alley and found out it was a dead end.

'Hey, baby! I wanna have some fun!' One of them shouted and his boys laughed.

You cried, praying for someone to help you. And suddenly, you heard shrieks and screams.

You shut your eyes tightly when Someone touched you in the shoulder.

'D-don't touch me!' You cried.

'Shh.' The boy pulled you into his arms. (Yihii. So much for a first meet. :3)

'W-who are you?' You asked. You looked at the boy and he had orange goggles and in it, he had brown eyes. He wore a mask covering his mouth. He had light brown hair. And had hatchets strapped in his back.

'Toby.' He said. 'You must be?'

'(Y-Y/N).' You stuttered.

'Well, (Y/N), no one's gonna hurt you anymore.' He assured. 'Now,let's get you home.'


Lost Silver:

You were playing some game on your gameboy when you heard a voice speak behind you.

'W-what a-are y-you p-playing?' A soft, shy voice spoke.

You turned around and saw a boy with no arms and legs and had a bloodied shirt. But his face looked so innocent and kind.

'I'm playing (F/G).' (Favorite game) you said.

'I-is t-that n-nice?' He asked.

'Sure is.' You smiled. 'What's your name?'

'S-silver. L-l-lost S-silver.' He stuttered.

'Well, Silver, I'm hoping you could play with me.'

'(Y/N)! Dinner's ready!' Your mom called out from the kitchen.

'Uh. Silver, maybe next time. We'll see each other again right?' You smiled.


'Oh, and by the way, my name's (Y/N).'

And he plopped in on your DS.


Eyeless Jack:

You woke up into seeing a creature wearing a blue mask with just black eyes with substances oozing out of it.

You whimpered.

'Shh.Im not here to eat your kidneys.' He said.

'W-what?!' You cried.

'Well, I ,maybe came here to eat your kidneys but you're too beautiful to get hurt.' He whispered.

You gulped. Tears trickling down your cheeks.

'Don't cry.' He cooed. 'We'll see each other again.' And he went out of your window and ran into the woods.

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