When you hang out and become love birds

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You were running in the forest.

'You cant find me!' You giggled. You hid behind a large tree. For minutes, no one came.

'Slendy?' You started to cry. You thought he abandoned you.

Then, a tendril wrapped around your waist. 'Dear, why are you crying?'

'I-i thought y-you l-left m-me.' You sobbed.

'I would never do that.' And suddenly, you hugged him. And he blushed madly and kiss you in the forehead. And thats where all the love magic started.


Jeff the Killer:

'What's it like to fly?' You asked, looking at the blue sky.

'It would be nice to feel the breeze. I wished that ever since I was a kid.' He said.

You both were eating ice cream at the park. And you both played with each other. And laughed together and made jokes.

You were laughing when you caught Jeff take a glimpse of you. You looked at him and you blushed and looked away and so did he.

'Yeah.' Jeff broke the awkward silence. 'Wanna go to the amusement park?'

'Sure!' You said. He held your hand As you both ran to your car. Which made you burn in flames inside and that was when you knew you were in-love with a killer.


BEN Drowned:

You both were at the game store picking out some game for you to play with BEN.

'Ben? Can we like try a different game?' You whined. 'Not always Legend of Zelda.'

'No.' He said. 'What do you want to play?'

'(F/G)!' As you held out a game in the air. (Favourite Game)

'Noob.' He said. 'Choose something else.'
You sighed and looked for something else.

'Hey. I was kidding.' He laughed. 'You may keep it.' He smiled and held you close and kissed you in the cheek, your (F/G) in between.


You both were at a cafe which sold cheesecakes.You and Masky ate and talked about yourselves.

'One time,' he said. ',my friends dared me to drink milk from my nose.'

'Really?' You chortled and instantly, covered your mouth.

He managed a sincere smile. 'I think your chortle is very, very attractive.'

You pursed your lips and blushed and stuffed a piece of cheesecake. 'Is that a compliment or an insult?'

He laughed which instantly caught your heart. 'A compliment, I should say.' And he shoved a piece of cheesecake in your mouth.
And in the inside, your heart was making backflips.

You wore the hoodie which had blue flames in it which Hoodie suggested for you to wear it when you both meet again.

'Whoa. (Y/N).' Hoodie said. 'You look even hotter than Ive ever seen you wear before.'

'Shut up.' You slightly punched him in the shoulder.

'Its true.' He put his hands in his pockets.

You both went to the mall and bought hoodies for yourselves and ate at Starbucks.
You both shared laughs and talked together. Like normal couples would do. But you both aren't a couple... Yet. ;3

He held your hand without him knowing. You looked down at your hand and you gulped. Dying from the fact that he's touching you. Oh my god.. Oh my god.. Oh my god.. You thought.

He looked down at his hand and smiled behind his mask and never bothered to take his hand off but to grip it tighter and never wanting to let go.


Ticci Toby:

'(Y/N).' He sat at the foot of your bed. 'I bought you heels for you to wear on.. Our.. Uh-hang out?'

'Aw. Really Toby?' You sat down beside him. 'May I see?'
He pulled out red stiletto heels.

'Waw. You have a nice choice of fashion.' You smiled.

'Thanks.' He twitched.
You both went to the club and danced together. You both started becoming more than acquaintances and you knew that he had Tourettes. You cared for him when he got drunk and slammed some shot cups in his head for him to wake up. He woke up, at last, but ended up hugging you. You blushed into a bright shade of red the whole night.

Such a perfect night.


Lost Silver:

'Silver!' You smiled as you pulled out a nice shirt for him to wear.

'Y-Yes, (Y-Y/N)?' He took a look at shirt.

'Wear it!' You smiled.


He went out of the dressing room and he showed off his 6 pack abs.

'Silver! You look good!' As you jumped close to him and hugged his neck. You pulled back and you both made eye-contact and you both fell-in-love instantly. Your heart warmed your body like hot cocoa. And his heart, Beat a thousand times than the usual. (He didn't get a heart attack.)


Eyeless Jack:

'(Y/N), pretty girl?' He poked you in the face and with the grogginess early in the morning, you swatted his hand away. You got used to EJ visiting you every morning.

'Go away, sweetheart.' You mumbled.

'Sweetheart?' He silently yelled.

'What?!' You sat up instantly, alarmed. And noticed that you hit EJ in the head hard forming a fracture in his blue mask and him, falling to the floor.

'Oh.' You nervously laughed. 'Sorry.'

You stood up and helped him up. As soon as he stood up, you both came in face-to-face with each other.

'Uh-' you mumbled. 'I should, uh, step back a bit.'

'No.' He said as he held you by your waist. 'I'd rather keep you in my arms.' He pulled up his mask and kissed you in the forehead. You blushed madly. But decided to play along and hug him.

'Wanna go with me and hunt some kidneys?' He asked.

'Sure thing.' You said, smiling. But you're smile faded away. 'Please don't feed me any kidneys.'

He laughed. 'I won't.' As he held your hand and tucked your hair behind your ear.
And by the second, you knew you fell in-love with a man named Eyeless Jack.

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