When its your birthday

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You felt something soft press against your forehead. You opened your eyes and saw Slendy wearing a pink hearted apron and a breakfast in bed. A smile formed from your lips. Its gonna be a great day..

Slendy placed your breakfast and walked to your door. 'Finish your food and come downstairs.' He went out and shut the door.

He cooked pancakes with syrup. Some toast and orange juice. As soon as you finished your food you rushed down and you saw the living room filled with helium balloons and Slendy holding a cake.

'Happy birthday, my (Y/N).' He said as you came close to him.

'Aw. You remembered.' You kissed him in the cheek.

'Of course.' He said.

After that, you both prepared and went out to the mall.


Jeff the Killer:

You both took a trip to Rio de Janeiro and you both went sightseeing. After that,you both went hiking. He blindfolded you when you both reached a rocky trail.

'Hey, (Y/N), remember when-wait, theres a rock!' And he moved you aside. 'Okay. Remember when we first hang out?'

'Yes..?' You halted to a stop.

'Oh, dont stop.' He pushed you gently. 'You asked me how it felt like to fly?'


'Well..' He removed the blindfold and you saw a beautiful view of Rio. You saw people jumping off from the ramp and went hang gliding. 'Youre gonna fly today.' He kissed you in the cheek. 'Happy birthday.'

'No way!' You cried tears of joy. 'Thank you so much, babe!' You kissed him.

'Now shall we?'


You both shared a hang glider and you circled the whole of Rio and it was beautiful! After that, you both crashed in your hotel room and prepared for Italy. :))

Ben Drowned:

'HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!' You heard a joyful scream of an elf and an airhorn.

'Too early..' You mumbled and you turned to face the wall.

'Well, okay my pretty (Y/N), do that and ill go do the chores, cook you food, and take care of you.' He smiled and went to the door.

'Hey, Ben?' You said and looked at him groggily.


'Give me a kiss.' You tapped your cheek.

'Sure.' He went to your bed side and kissed you.

'Thanks, Ben.'

Masky invited you to the Slender mansion because he wanted you to help him fix his room. Oh,Masky.
As soon as you entered, you were soon greeted by confettis and joyful pyscho killers. 'HAPPY BIRTHDAAY!'

'Masky?' You turned red.

'I set up a birthday for you.' He smiled.

'Oh yes, he did.' Jeff said.

You smiled. 'Thank you guys.'

'No problem. Youre welcome. Sure thing.' All the creepypastas muttered at the same time.

'Now,lets eat!' Slenderman said. You all cheered and you had the best birthday specially when youre with Masky.


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