Luckiest Person

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Junmyeon felt he's the most happiest person in whole universe. happily married to his love life Yixing, with whom he created a beautiful creation of them, their son XuKun.

He's gonna be the strongest boy who will save the people getting bullied by others. But Right now though his body may be weak but his lungs are strong.

Inspite, kun born Little earlier and immature he's their little fighter. Who covered up within a week as compared to other babies.

During those hard time when he saw because of his carelessness His baby is fighting for his life, Yixing was always present to deny the false fact.

He was present their whole time, during his labour till they got home back, Yixing never not even single sec left his side.

He's too much happy for being blessed with a adorable family.


Junmyeon stirr and before getting back to sleep again but he open his eyes wide. He was about to get up when someone patted him on chest and spoke

"Get back to sleep snowball." Yixing said in husky voice.

But Junmyeon didn't listen to Yixing and sat straight, back supported by pillow.

"No- you sleep, i will check on kun." He replied.

He's quite aware of his surrounding if Yixing didn't know. He's aware with the fact that Yixing already woke up three times in midnight without waking up Junmyeon.

It's suppose to be his work to check kun. Yixing work day and night to provide them everything according to needs, Raven must gets tired and despite of all this Yixing still wanted to help him.

"Don't be stubborn jun, i know you might be exhausted taking care of kun for whole day. Sleep honey i will look after-."

"Stop it Xing!" Junmyeon one glare shut Yixing.

"You already did alot, you have to go office tomorrow as well. Get sleep now! No arguments."

"But-" the crying gets louder stating the fact their baby is crying for so many minutes.

"What about we both go this time?" Yixing suggested.

"Ok". Junmyeon sigh.

Yixing excitedly left their bedroom followed by Junmyeon. And went into not too big nursery they created for baby kun.

Yixing pick up kun who exactly looks like Junmyeon. The only thing of his is eyes and lips. He pouted in thought.

"Sh sh it's ok kun baba is here no need to cry I'll protect you from everything including girls and even boys".

Junmyeon laugh . "Xing he's just two month old I'm pretty sure he's not thinking these kind of things. "

Yixing turns to see kun baby in hand not crying anymore. "It's never to early to make sure nobody do anything to him".

Junmyeon peck Yixing, before checking up kun is all comfortable or not. Until he felt satisfied his left kiss on kun's crown.

"Ok possessive baba, let's put kun in crib and go back to sleep."

Yixing hesitate with the idea.

"Can we take kun with us? Just This time... please."
Yixing said making puppy eyes.

Junmyeon shook his head and nodded. No one can stop this man.

"He's beautiful, just like you." Yixing said. Patting baby's tummy softly.

" I'm glad he appreciated me by looking like me after carrying him for 9 months ". Junmyeon slightly teased.

Yixing grumble then kiss him again.

"Then our next baby better look like me. And our third one better looks like us both."

Junmyeon look at Yixing in surprised and then smacks him.

"Remind you Zhang Yixing, you're also a child whom im taking care of ."

"But snowball we agreed having 8 children."

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