Loved Wrong One

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"I hate you-"

Junmyeon walked slowly while pointing his knife towards his victim.

His eyes were red, burning in anger and revenge.

He finally succeed in his mission.

"Hate me how much you want Zhang, I don't care."
He smirk while kicking on stomach of the man tied by robe.

Yixing cough blood, feeling so much pain inside.

Not because of  junmyeon's kick but he felt betray loving the person whole heartly whom he shouldn't.

He managed to look into Junmyeon's eyes. That love... That use be in his eyes is no longer there, instead emptiness and revenge.

Yixing's State in not so much different, only an empty void with feelings of betrayal. Betrayal, because he loved Wrong one.

However in those mixed feelings there are still emotions felt. How many times he tried to hate Junmyeon. But the memories of them flooded with all those things they did together, Yixing felt helpless.

How he loved him knowing what work he do, how he cheer him on bad days, how they enjoy there movie time together ; cuddling into eachother's arm, and many more. Yixing felt every second he enjoyed was whole white lie.

In the end, he couldn't bring himself to hate the person who gave him hope, love and purpose.

Who taught him what love is...

He hate himself instead.

He watched Junmyeon drawing knife over his skin, blood started oozing. The pain already killing him.

In the end of the day, he's happy. Afterall before dying he learnt different experience of love. Even if it's wrong way.

"After- all this" he cough "I lov-e you." He completes, smiling sincerely.

But Junmyeon looked at him in silence.

He looked straight into his eyes, Those eyes who were screaming hate few hours ago now screaming for love once they had. That love is still there.

He felt himself getting weak.

Junmyeon raised his hand, flicked his forehead.

Before He harshly drove knife inside his chest, again and again, till he sees the raven's body coloured with his own blood and soon...... went limp.

"I still love you too...."

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