Should I Cry Or Laugh?

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Yixing startled when he felt some presence near his foot.

He immediately stop typing and look through his foot.

Only to see Junmyeon settling himself under his office desk. Yixing wanted to ask him but he stop when junmyeon small body wrap himself around his leg and small palms trying to hold papers and crayons one time.

Yixing took off his shoes wearing only  black socks, he lock junmyeon between his legs and baby comfortably sat in between them and started to draw his creative idea.

Yixing got back to his work again.

It's nearly two month yixing brought junmyeon with him in office, nearly four months junmyeon got into his life, and about same two months the little baby started calling him Xinge. Nothing has change to be exact but he's watching junmyeon with a little progress whenever he's meet someone new.

And his mother and yixing's ex-lover, yixing felt happy junmyeon never asked for her once, only time when they met on first day and she left him on exact same time, junmyeon cried but eventually calm when yixing didn't hurt him like how his mother used to be.

With their little interaction,  yixing learned alot about junmyeon. What baby like, what he hate, how's his mother used to hurt him, What he love to do when he isn't home, his hobbie etc.

But yixing's happiness knew know bound the day junmyeon whispered how much he love his new house.  He wish one day he'll hear 'how much he like his appa as well'

Many more things are yet to learn newly father.


Chanyeol walked inside but to his witness he saw CEO on a work desk but not junmyeon.

"Where is jun?" He asked.

Yixing stop his action and indicate chanyeol to come closer and see by himself.

As yixing move his chair backward, he saw junmyeon busy in drawing.

For nearly hour junmyeon sat like that without moving, yixing thought that baby will eventually get bored but that wasn't in junmyeon's case.

He kept himself closer to CEO.

Yixing watched junmyeon lifting his head and his eyes meeting chanyeol, soon his eyes flash sparkles in them and baby indicate Chanyeol to lift him up into his arms.

Chanyeol chuckled and gladly accept the request.

Yixing wonder what technique chanyeol used to get junmyeon's trust so easily.  At first how junmyeon used to act around him, he acted same with chanyeol but as days went off he saw them getting closer until one day junmyeon asked why chanyeol didn't come to work yet, yixing left in amazed.

"What my prince charming was doing?" Chanyeol asked while he pepper kisses all over junmyeon's face.

Junmyeon giggle feeling trickling while he showed the paper he's working for hour.

"Wow junnie is so creative~"

"Can junnie tell me what he made?"

Junmyeon nodded excitedly.

"Junnie home." He whispered pointing his finger at geometrical figure.




Junmyeon looked up to see chanyeol's reaction.

Chanyeol got surpised with a wide imagination, he instantly shoved another kiss.

"And who's this?" Chanyeol point at the figure, whom junmyeon colored his body black with hair upright, probably a red tie coz it hanging on neck.


Yixing couldn't understand weather he should cry or laugh, He's glad chanyeol left afterward with junmyeon seeing his expression. 

He's smiling but at the same time his tears already rolling over his cheeks.

His baby, his little jun mian called him Appa.

CEO Zhang yixing's baby finally called him appa.

According to him, world should know he's a great successful bussiness man and also a father of a lovely boy whom's happiness is nothing compared to work.

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