Want My Husband Back

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"Xing! Could you please look at kun for a day?"

Yixing look up to see Junmyeon carrying little kun in his arms. The little one clingy to his mother and isn't letting him go.

He paused his work and placed the laptop safely on other side.

"You are going anywhere?" He questioned.

"Yes! I forgot to tell you but yesterday sehun called me and asked my help for his wedding ideas. I promised him i will be on time. Please xing just for today." Junmyeon requested.

"Why didn't you told me when we were in restaurant?"

"I was whole busy with kun, you know it honey." Junmyeon replied, grace went on kun who's drooling on his Versace tshirt. He quickly clean his mouth by cloth.

All time what he heard about is kun these days. 'Xing kun did this, xing did that'. Did he remember he has to share the same love with him? But this little dude taking all of his husband, leaving him alone.

" Xing?"

"Yeah, kun is my child as well jun, you don't need to worry. Now leave because i can sense impatient sehun dying in nervousness."

"Yes! Thank you so much xing!" Junmyeon quickly handed kun to Yixing. Not forgetting to leave kiss on baby's forehead.

Yixing pout when Junmyeon left the mansion, because he forgot to give him goodbye kiss.

Supporting the back and neck of the baby by one hand and other to balance. Yixing lifted up kun, looking into eachother's eye.

"Listen to me right now!
We need to share him.
But you are taking all up his time.
I do need attention!
We have to deal 50-50%
Do you understand me!
I need my husband back!
Right now!
Do you understa-nd?"

Yixing couldn't utter a next word as kun start of eat his nose like it is sort of strawberry.

How can he stay angry on this cute guy?

Yeah, though Yixing is jealous because he's taking all Junmyeon's attention but he couldn't deny he always coo when they both come in office just to ask 'did baba miss us?'

He shook his head and starts to playing peek-a-boo with toddler.

" You can have your appa all day kunnie, but remember he's mine during night. Deal!"

[Sulay|Layho] We 2getherTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon