Chapter 6: Sapphires And Shadows

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His mind had never been so loud before, a disarray of doubts and unknowns, drowning out his usual coherency. Everything had been thrown at him at once; the region had far more hazards than predicted, the mission here had taken a turn for the worse due in large part to his poor judgement, and now Kelly's unexpected arrival had thrown him in more ways than one. He hadn't even thanked her yet, the courtesy having completely slipped from his mind. Had he known it had been her in that power armor fighting alongside him, he would have...

What? Danse chided himself. He had covered her when she needed it, and she hadn't needed it often. She had handled herself well, more than well, in fact she had been the one pulling his hide out of the fire. She didn't need him looming over her every move like she were some Squire.

But he just couldn't help it.

He stole a glance at Kelly as she stood in the vertibird's load, gazing out at the red haze with a hard concentration, jaw set and brows firm. Her hair was tangled and stringy, whipping across her face and catching on her features, features that he noticed were darker, brooding. What had the Institute done to her?

They shed few words on the flight back to the fallback point, save for Lancer-Knight Duval giving Danse a quick update on their situation. The small outpost looked just as underwhelming as it did before he set out with his squad, and his gut itched for him to have them all moved out ASAP before the raiders could mount a return assault.

The moment his armor's boot touched down from the vertibird, his second in command was upon him. "That was a close call, sir. But I never doubted you. Glad you made it out in one piece." The Knight-Sergeant gave him a relieved Brotherhood salute.

Danse looked over at Kelly as she greeted Dogmeat-why on earth did she bring the dog here?-before he gave his full attention to the man before him. "Knight Harper deserves all your commendations, Muller. As much as I hate to admit it, I'd be nothing but mincemeat if it weren't for her."

He didn't miss Muller's flicker of distaste at the mention of Harper. Her reputation for her sarcastic attitude and bold behaviour aboard the Prydwen during that first week hadn't quite been forgotten yet. The pre-war military must have been a lot softer on their troops in her day. So when the opportunity arose, he would put in a good word for Harper in hopes it would eventually wipe the slate clean of her Wastelander stature. One that she seemed in no hurry to clean, herself.

"No doubt that new prototype she's flaunting on her armor did most of the work," the Sergeant muttered as he accompanied Danse toward the large tent set up for shelter. "It seems she's won Elder Maxson over with her... charms, among other things."

Was that supposed to be some offhand reference to her appearance? Suggesting she would use that to gain favor was low, even for Muller. And then, of course, suggesting that Maxson would resort to such practices was beyond repugnant, even near blasphemous. "Mind your tone, Sergeant," Danse warned before entering the flap, rounding on the man in full force. Muller may be a level-headed Commander in the heat of battle, but he was a piece of work that Danse didn't have time for. "Harper's performance out there was nothing short of outstanding. She risked her life for her fellow soldier, just like any other in the Brotherhood would. You owe her your respect. And not only do you insult her, but you insult me as her sponsor and mentor. I won't stand for it."

Muller didn't seem surprised by Danse's reaction, but a palpable temper was being held in check with effort. "Of course. My apologies, Paladin. I spoke out of turn."

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