Chapter 102: Heaven In Hell

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The following contains extreme levels of radioactive sexytime. All passengers aboard the love boat are advised to come prepared, for your reading pleasure.😉


Sapphires in shadows stared up at him, shock turning to blue heat, drinking in his gaze of love. She was his sword and shield, his fire and steel, his light in the dark. Her eyes were the ocean and skies infused, portals to what the world had once been, deep troves of goodness and darkness. He loved her virtues and vices, her strong heart and broken mind-just as he was both strong and broken. Together they were stronger and whole.

Danse held Kelly's precious face in his hands, savoring the beauty of the woman he had once thought a forbidden fruit. She was a treasure encapsulated in time, the embodiment of all his desires, and she had awoken him, the long dormant, primal part of himself that the Brotherhood had suppressed for the purpose of duty and honor. She had shown him so much; how to see the world from a new perspective, through the eyes of someone who had seen a time before the Great War, fresh in her memories like it were yesterday. She showed him that there was more to life than the Brotherhood. She showed him that there was still beauty to be found in the world, and even in humanity. She even showed him that he was more than just a machine.

The cave they had found love in was reminiscent of the bunker they had found despair in. The world was revolving and raging beyond, but this time, they wouldn't let mutual trauma come between their love. Too long they had been playing the game of caution with each other. One fell and the other caught, both too cautious with each other's demons to take the leap. Well, damn the demons. Damn the world.

"May I?" His permission was granted with the bold, beautiful smile that had him boundlessly falling in love at first sight.

"Please, Paladin. Fuck me like there's no tomorrow."

Danse swooped into Kelly for a shattering kiss. She received him with a smothered moan and invited him deeper, the tender flicker of her tongue driving him into a hungry chase. He stroked her tongue with his and cherished the feel of her soft lips, tasting her sweet warmth and sweeter submission. He knew her hot blood, knew his dominance would fluctuate to her bold sexuality, and he would welcome it. But while he had her, he would make the most of it.

With eager hands he pulled her shawl up over her head, kissing the divot between her sumptuous breasts as she urged them up at him for his perusal. She knew how much he loved them, and wasn't shy in her suggestions. His heart skipped a beat when he felt her thighs opening beneath him, another invitation. His member throbbing, he drove his hips into her pillowed loins and began a slow, grinding rhythm against her.

Kelly groaned in his kiss and broke free to air out her pleasure, angling her pelvis up hard against his straining groin. She was so warm there. So soft and warm and eager. Breathy whines escaped her with each of his motions, her hands scouring his bare chest beneath his duster to reach for his waist and tug at him. Growing more ravenous by the second, Danse slid a hand underneath her to clutch at her firm mounds and press her even harder against him, feeling her warm folds hugging his shaft through his trousers and her leggings. She gasped and hissed and bit her lip while he suckled on her neck, losing his breath in her hair and smell and taste and feel.

When he rose up on his arms to look upon her in the throes, her lips were swollen from his kisses and cheeks flushed from his affect, her emotive gaze hazed under desirous passion. In that moment, it was like seeing her for the first time, he wanted nothing more than to tear her naked and take her for his starving pleasure. But no, he was a better man than his hot-blooded instincts would make of him. He wanted to bask in her, savor her, tend to her, make her feel like the only woman in the world. Because for him, she was.

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