Chapter 14: Fight-Or-Flight

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Dread was all that came to her. Kelly stood on the Flight Deck of the Prydwen, devoid of solutions, and hope. It was over. Her Paladin had given himself up, and doomed them along with himself.

"I'll always have your back, even in the worst of times. I promise."

His words had slipped from his lips so softly, so sincerely, and she had believed him. She had done it again. Put herself at risk of hurt by allowing someone in, so near to her heart. She had made a promise to herself not to do that with Danse, that it was hopeless, and wrong. Nate would always have her heart, even if he was gone. She was to be a weapon, nothing more.

"Think. Think. Fuck!" Even Deacon was lost. He paced back and forth, whacking his forehead with his palms. "Knew I shouldn't have trusted that bastard. Instincts, Deacon. Always follow your instincts. The one time! The one time I don't! God!" And even Deacon, the expert at distancing himself from personal entanglements, had fallen victim.

Kelly followed him through a hollow gaze. "What's the better way to go, jump from here, or try out execution?" He stopped and gaped at her. She was serious, and it took him a moment to realize it.

"Hey, no! Don't you do this to me!" he scolded, stepping toward her with an accusing finger. "You keep your head, even if shit's hitting the fan. So, come on, think. You've been around these flying death machines for a big chunk of your life, from back before the Great War, to all your time with these assholes. You didn't happen to pick up any pointers along the way? Maybe had a play around in a simulator back in the day for shits and giggles? Give me something, here."

He may be keeping his head on better than she was, but panic was edging it's way up through his seams. "No, Deacon," she sighed in pity at his worthless attempt. "I can't fly. I was infantry-the army, not air force." He clicked his tongue in irritation. "Just accept it. We fucked up."

But he didn't accept it, shaking his head at her. "Another pointer from me. Never accept defeat until defeated. Now, come on. Let's do something crazy and save our own asses." He broke off and trotted back for the Command Deck.

Kelly stood motionless for a moment before switching to alarm and chasing after him. "Wait! Like what?"

"Like crashing this flying whale into the ocean and hoping for the best."


"Sounds like a sweet ride, yeah?"

She grabbed at his arm and yanked him around. "You can't be serious. You'll kill everyone aboard, not to mention us, and Danse, if he's still aboard!"

He placed his hands on his hips impatiently. "The Railroad has plans to take out the Brotherhood in the near future, and this would just fast-track it. And us? Well, you have any better ideas? I'm running near on dry, so please, feel free."

Reeling, Kelly had no words. Although many of their beliefs clashed with her own, the Brotherhood represented a real chance for humanity, and she didn't want them at the bottom of the ocean. Deacon nodded at her silence and turned for the bulkhead again, drawing his laser pistol.

Kelly balled her fists. "You're supposed to be the subtle one, and I'm the reckless one!" she screamed at him helplessly in a last, futile stand.

"Desperate times call for desperate measures, my friend. I hope you can swim," Deacon tossed back smartly, reaching for the door. Only, the door reached out for him, first. He leapt back agilely to escape it's attack, only to then be knocked down the steps by a hasty soldier in full power armor. Kelly reached for her laser pistol, but the soldier bound down the steps in one motion and pulled Deacon to his feet.

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