Chapter 149: New World, New Order

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Depictions of rape and... bestiality. Yeah, I know. Hold onto your butt.


Kelly awoke to numbness. Apathy rivered down her while she worked to collect her memory. She was somewhere dark and cool, all at odds with her recollections of soaring into the sun. Her eyes pinched at the first stirrings of pain in her breath and flickered open to the sight of a tent canvas floating over her.

For a long, delirious time she stared up, eyes catching on fraying threads in the muted orange fabric, following their fallible little lines as they ruined the orderly landscape of stitching. It resembled the desert, the frays sprouting like the red foliage on the shoulders of the canyon before it died a nuclear death.

Danse is in that dead canyon.

Feeling flooded her before the pain did. Her abdomen cracked with agony the moment she attempted summoning it's strength to sit up. Her throat filled with the fumes of chemicals. She gagged and dry retched. Dogmeat was on her at once, whining and licking her face in distress.

"Took you long enough to wake up."

Kelly moulded her mouth around multiple expletives, aiming them at the courser sitting in shadows. "I remember now," she coughed fumes. "You. You raped my lung with a vibrating dildo."

He didn't dare smile. "That's an overly dramatic-not to mention incorrect-way of putting it."

Rolling onto her side, away from Dogmeat, Kelly clutched her diaphragm as fumes continued to convulse from her hacking coughs. "What the fuck did you do to me?"

At leisurely length, X6-88 stood from his fold-out chair to stand directly over her. "I had no other option." From his coat pocket he produced a small test tube. "It was this, or allow you to die. Father would not accept the latter."

He waited for her next cough, then hovered the open test tube by her mouth to collect a sample of the fumes she extricated.

"X6," Kelly grated. "What. The fuck. Did you do to me?"

"I improved you."

There. The microscopic, miserly smile, tucked deep in the corner of his otherwise placid mouth. It terrified her more than anything else about him. "You did to me what they did to Kellogg."

"Hardly," he corrected, stashing the test tube back in his pocket. "Kellogg had been vastly improved from his human origins, augmented into something rivalling cyborg status. As for you, ma'am, all I have done is augment the functionality of your lungs, installing bionic hardware to support nanite healing processes and synthetic capabilities. You'll find breathing in hazardous environments much easier, now. But you're still human. Still... fragile."

He said it like he thought her beneath him. Not just human. Subhuman. For being something pure.

Well, not any more. She continued to explode from the inside. "You made me into a fucking steam engine!"

"A side effect that will pass. It's just the nanites passing their excess waste through your organic system."

"There are tiny machines shitting themselves inside me!?"

"Why do you choose to dramatize the situation, ma'am?"

The tent flap bustled open as MacCready and Garvey stormed through, bumping shoulders inelegantly, faces still smeared with sleep. The merc took one sweep of the situation before aiming a weaponized finger at the courser.

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