Lo siento... te amo pg.4

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The clouds are slowly becoming dark as if it's telling everyone that the moon will soon be awake. We are still heading to the place where the party will take place. Yander said in about 30 minutes we will be there. While we were driving along the road I was just looking to the left and right of the road, the city lights always stunned me.

"You okay?" Yander asks me with a calm voice.

"Yes, don't worry I am always like this especially when I see the city lights. So yeah I'm fine."

"Okay, tell me anything if you feel uncomfortable."

"Sure I will."


"Encantada de verte aquí Lana."

Says the woman next to me. We are now at the party and my nervous feelings come back. The house where the party took place was so big even though Yander and I were still on the outside I could see how spacious it was. The design of the front of the house is so outstanding clearly by looking at it you can say that whoever owns it that family is one of the richest in the town. There are a lot of cars being parked and those are not just a simple car but expensive and shiny cars that I wouldn't believe I would see at once.

"¿Puedo?" Yander gave me his arm and I put my hands on it. He is truly a gentleman. He smiles at me and lets me take the lead so I take my first step. When we got inside there were a lot of people talking to each other, laughing, and drinking, and some greeted someone they knew. I looked around to find Tita and Tanya but I couldn't see them.

"Do you happen to see Auntie Diane and Tanya?" I whisper to Yander.

"No, I haven't. Shall we make a call to Auntie Diane?"

"Yes please, thank you Yander."

I look at Yander and I see that he's already speaking to someone on the phone. I've been feeling nervous since then and I felt like I was a total stranger here. My grip on the arms of Yander tightens. It seems like he felt the grip I made. He looks at me and puts his palm over my hand.

"I know you're nervous but don't worry I am here, we are here for you Nathalie...

I was looking forward to what the next words would be since he stopped in the middle.

...our Princess."

I scoff without hesitation. Seriously he still hasn't gotten over that word he's very funny and he knows how to make me feel embarrassed and laugh. I look at him while laughing and I can feel my nervous subside.

"You are.' I said.

"Handsome." He added.

"Don't make me laugh even more Yander seriously if you don't want to see me die laughing 'cause when I start laughing there are times I can't hold it back."

He laughed at what I said. He's seriously something. We were still in the middle of the crowd having conversations like there were no one else could hear what we were saying.

"Señora Nathalie?"

A familiar yet new voice suddenly called my name and when I turned to my right it was no other than Rodrigo.

"Pensé que la tía Diane sería la que..."

"La tía Diane me pide un favor y es buscarlos a los dos ¿te parece mal Yander?"

I saw Rodrigo looking at me and Yander's hands.

"Totalmente no Rodrigo, lo siento si no te suena bien."

Both of them look at me and I can't open my mouth.

"Are you okay Nathalie? Dime si algo anda mal." Yander said while lowering his face to check my face.

"¿Por qué no habla, Sra. Nathalie, se le ha acortado la lengua o qué?"

"¡Cuidado con tus palabras Rodrigo!"

"Bien." Rodrigo replied with a cold voice in him.

"What's wrong Nathalie?"

I looked at Yander this time and said. "Could the both of you speak in English I can only understand some of your conversation. Hashtag I'm an outsider when the two of you talk."

"Is that so? Fine speak in English man." Rodrigo said. As if he was teasing Yander.

"Do you need a language translator Sis?"

I was surprised when I saw Leonardo's face. I was like 'Wow' is this the Leonardo from before when we were 19 years old? His face became mature. Leonardo and I grew up together as in we played often when we were kids. Piko, tumbang lata, habul-habulan at syempre ang tagu-taguan. Minsan na rin syang sumali sa chinese garter hahaha panalo ang mga galaw nya sa chinese garter nung araw kaysa sa aming mga babae. He's 28 years old this year and I am 27. He's a dentist now and I am a movie producer. He's soon to be married to a lovely woman as from what I know and I am... I am still the hopeless romantic woman who has recently ended things with a guy the guy that once I loved and I don't know where my life will be in the next years.

"Hey, Nards how have you been?"

I hug him since this is the first time that I met him in person again. He's not living in his parent's house—my Tita Diane. He is staying in Yander's place. As mentioned before Yander took his college degree here and his parents have not been by his side since then so apparently Yander is living on his own in Madrid not until he meets my brother.

"You still call me Sis, you're still sweet as before thank you."

"Small thing Ate Nathalie and I'm doing fine."

He's been here for almost his lifetime he still never forgets how to speak Tagalog. I'm so proud of him.

He said that he knows I'm having a bad time translating and understanding what Yander and Rodrigo are saying so as a help as soon as he sees me he asks that question seriously.

Yeah, I'm having a hard time Nards but I'm still good."

Leonardo greeted Rodrigo, and also Yander with a handshake.

"So can we proceed now to the place where Auntie Diane was?"

Everyone agrees with what Rodrigo has said including me.

We both walk when we decide already. One boy and we are all set as if I am in a Meteor Garden drama. On my right there is Rodrigo and on my left, there are Yander and Leonardo.

Leonardo suddenly stops walking and turns to Yander.

"We need to catch some fresh air Yander."

I know whenever Leonardo says those words it means they need to talk. Yander agrees to what Leonardo said and walks away from us. I look at Rodrigo and his looks are fixated on front of him.

"What a serious man!" I whisper.

"What did you have said?"

Shit, did he hear me?

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