Lo siento... te amo pg.5

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"What did you have said?"

"I said what a serious man. There's no foul words from my words so don't be mad at me okay."

"Do you want me to be mad at you?"

"No of course." I reply.

"Que mujer diferente."

I tilt my head to the left and guessing what he says but I only understand the 'diferente' word which means different. We are now slowly passing through a lot of people since there are many guests who are coming.

"Are the party always been like this the last party that I've attended for what I remember the crowd are not like this." I whisper to myself.

"Disculpe Madam and Sir please no stepping of someone's shoes." I said in a low tone of voice when three of the guests accidentally step on my shoes.

Rodrigo halt.

I almost bumped at him because of his sudden action. He suddenly grab my right hand without a word coming from his mouth and continue walking until we reach the table where Tanya, Auntie Diane, and Franco whereabout.

I smile and wave my hand at the air to them.

"Hello po Tita Diane. Hehe hello our tiny Tanya. I place my hand on her cheeks to pinch it a little bit. Eh, Franco was here too!"

"Hola Ate Nathalie. I guess my charm for Uncle Rodrigo was strong enough to make him make me go." Then he wink.

I laugh at what Franco said and did then I look at Rodrigo. He looked kinda pissed off and kinda cool in his apperance.

"Look Ate Nathalie we even have our ribbon bracelet with us." Tanya raised her wrist and I see that both Franco and Tanya are wearing this. It was color yellow.

It make me smile and say that it was really cute.

"Me gusta Ate Nathalie, ¿quieres probar?"

I turn my head to Rodrigo and I brought my face closer to him. I whisper to his ears.

"May you please translate what Franco said señor Rodrigo? I'm having difficulty on understanding it."

He look at me and sigh.

"He said I like it Ate Nathalie you wanna try?'

"Ya sure why not." with all smile in my face.

Franco hold my hand and tie the ribbon in my wrist.

"Oh... its very cute thank you Franco."

Franco smile at me and he reach for the hand of his Uncle Rodrigo. He tie the same ribbon on its wrist and said. "You're welcome Ate Nathalie." while looking at me and Rodrigo.

Then Franco smile at me. Eh? With what Franco did it make me look again for Rodrigo at nth time tonight. He looked at me too and scoff in an arrogant way. I rolled my eyes. Yeah this isn't about romantic stuff it just a childs game that we are  being involve with that we need to play along.

After the short silence my Auntie Diane speak.

"Iha how's your day with Yander? Is it good? Do you find him interesting enough? Hhmmm, hmmm?"

"Tita Diane isa-isa lang po mahina po kalaban."

"Hahaha iha, I'm sorry about that. So how's everything tell us a little bit of detalles."

"Uhmm..." I was hesitant first to speak should I tell some of what happened or not? "Actually he's gentleman Auntie and a very understanding person I have met today. He do guide me and in fact he is one of my consultant for what I wear tonight."

"That's been said you look fabulous Nathalie iha. If Ate Neri and your Papa saw you looking like this oh God they might probably faint a little with what you looks tonight. Very fabulous. You're gorgeous iha."

I feel shy for a moment. I felt like my cheeks are blushing right at this moment its kinda embarrassing and overwhelming at the same time. There are still a lot of people coming in and to be honest its 8:30 in the evening but I guess the party haven't starting yet. People here are busy chattering, greeting one another, assessing the guests, decorating and serving foods and drinks.

"Muchas gracias Auntie Diane." Pagpapatuloy ko.

"So the next event is...?"

"Is...?   I replied.

"Uhmm he take me somewhere I did not expect I'm like a princess."


Tanya suddenly speak with a confused face. "Prin...cess, princess?"

"Don't get me wrong Tanya what I mean is that when your Kuya Yander take me to somewhere I didn't know, the feeling of knowing and seeing that place makes me feel like I was a Princess in a Disney movie. He take me to Buen Retiro Park. Everything there was fantastic I mean for me the view and the look of that park is one of a kind."

"Its truly one of a kind iha Nathalie." Pahabol na sabi ni Auntie Diane.

"I know you enjoy spending your remaining time there and with me Nathalie."

I turn my back to see who it was and I'm not wrong for who he is because after the long time we've been together I'm already familiar to his voice. Its no other than Yander. He casually stand beside me. He looks so formal and a perfect figure of a boyfriend.

"If Auntie Diane Nathalie was speaking about what we do or our  experiences earlier when we were together I can say she's something like a girl who will wanted to be a girlfriend of someone. She's so cheerful and when we visit Buen Retiro Park she's swirling her skirt enjoy the moment and acting like a kid wandering around. She definitely act like a Princess. Her actions are adorable and also she herself."

"Oh well I guess both of you are perfect...for each other I guess."

We both are surprised with this sudden words. Is there's a matchmaking in here right now? All of a sudden? Of course I didn't say those words it's just my idea of what my Tita Diane mean.

I slowly caresses my arm since its becoming a bit of uncomfortable. I can see Yander's eyes are looking in me and there's Tita Diane who are looking on both of us. And to break the silence I speak.

"Tanya and Franco are you both alright, hmmm?"

"Disculpe Señora Nathalie but may we talk?" Rodrigo ask.

"Of course what is it then?"

"Is it alright if we talk at the balcony it was upstairs."

Balcony? Balcony? How on earth we will have a conversation in the balcony is he will going to ask me for something private to talk about? Well whatever it is then "fine let's talk."

Author's Note:

     Dear, my dear readers how's your day? I hope everyone of you are spending there time peacefully and also having a great time. I've been busy lately that I failed to update this past days and I'm very sorry for that. By the way what are your thoughts about this chapter? Share what your thoughts with me at the comment section, gracias.

Yours truly,
Waeillie. S 💓

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