Lo siento... te amo pg.7

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"So you."

"¿A mí?"

"Sí, tú Nathalie."

I chuckles softly.

"I'd like too but I'm not sure if its the right time to say who I am Rodrigo."

He move closer to me.

"I assume this is the right time Nathalie" he whisper to my ears.

We continue dancing, the two of us in that balcony just the two of us its kinda romantic in my view but why of all the man si Rodrigo pa talaga ang nafeel ko na ganito?

"Te ves triste ahora, ¿algo te molesta, Nathalie?"

I gaze upon him for what he ask. Our eyes met. His eyes are hazelnut how lovely, as soon as I took a glimpse on those eyes of him my hand moves on its own to Rodrigo's eyes touching them then my eyes landed on his lips. He gave a small smile when I touch his eyes.

"Weren't we suppose to dance? You're too close that I might lose my self-control Nathalie."

With what he said I hastily move my body away from him.

Oh God, oh Nathalie! What are you thinking? All of a sudden you become a devoted sweet women infront of him what is happening to you? Most importantly what have you done?

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to you know stare at you and touch you. I'm really sorry."

"Está bien, me gusta."

"What? Are you crazy?

"Its just a joke Nathalie don't be mad at me okay?"

"Yeah please don't throw a joke with your serious face it looks more like its true rather than a joke."

'Buenas noches a todos, gracias por venir a mi cumpleaños esta noche. Disfruten el resto de esta noche.'

With those voice we both certainly know that the birthday celebrant is at present.

"We must head out now Rodrigo."

Rodrigo step closer to me. Hold my arms and said "I'm looking to our dance though its not the actual dance that you will see tonight."

I frowned, he meant what?

As soon as his done saying those words he walk to the door and opened it.

"Ladies first Nathalie." He grin.

I rushed to go out of the balcony and I call for Rodrigo's name to come with me as well. He hold my hand as soon as he reached my part that makes me look at my hands. I look back at him and I saw him smiling but when someone pass by he quickly remove his grip on my hand. I was shocked.

"Muchas gracias Rodrigo por un tiempo tan maravilloso que pasamos, pero creo que necesito volver con la tía Diane."

"Let me accompany you." He said.

"No thanks I'm fine, gracias."

"Búscame si necesitas algo, siempre estoy disponible."

I nodded.

I slowly went down the stairs and when I am almost there at the last steps of stairs I look back at Rodrigo. There is a woman who approach him. They are talking to each other seriously. I wonder what they are talking off. I shake my head and obviously its not my business anymore. I look for Auntie Diane and saw that she is busy chatting to someone she obviously know.

Feliz cumpleaños a ti
feliz cumpleaños a ti     🎶

Its the spanish birthday song being played and sang by the guests and I already see the birthday celebrant its Sr. Juan Cruz. The cake is simple but its visible that its a cake for someone's rich. As the present guest are singing him a birthday song Sr. Juan Cruz is cutting the cake at the moment which is the way of  the Spanish people on celebrating their birthdays. Since my Auntie is having a conversation to someone and I can't see where is Tanya, Franco and even Yander and Leonardo is I decided to stay still in the edge of the stairs. Standing. Of course I sing along too and it was fun singing it though I don't memorize all the lines.

A minute after the birthday song ended. The sorroundings filled with music and of course when there's music there is a dance floor and this reminds me of something. Other guests are dancing while others are eating. Of course there is Paella (Spanish stirfry and one of the typical Spanish foods in birthday parties) and a lot more of Spanish foods. There's also wine and other strong liquors.

Most of the guests are elders and there are some teenagers and young adults present here. As I sit in a chair eating my Paella and sipping wine I watch the guests hit up the dance floor. It was ashtonishing seeing mostly everyone is dancing that bring a big smile to my face. I still look around in one more time to search for Tanya and Franco but I failed once again. I take of another sip from my glass filled with wine. Actually I do not know most of the people here. There's no single friend of mine here nor a mere acquaintance.

"Nathalie you're here!" A sweet yet a rough voice coming from a familiar person.

"Tito Fidelen, oh hello po." Nagmano ako kay Tito Fidelen. A way of Filipino's to show respect to someone such as elders, and of course to show respect to your family members that older than you. Tito Fidelen is the husband of my Tita Diane. Yes, he is a loving and respectable man. He loves Auntie Diane so much and I witness how he respect his wife and love his childrens. He was with someone perhaps a friend. I greet his friend too. We don't talk that much just a greetings to each other and a small conversation.

"Enjoy your time Nathalie and call me if something is wrong."

"Yes Tito Fidelen, gracias."

The moment I and Rodrigo parted I never see him again even his own shadows... there is nothing. I thought I will have fun tonight but maybe I'm wrong. Oh my, what will I do?

"Hola! ¿Estás sola?"

A voice of a man approach me. I turn my head into my right and I saw this neat looking bearded guy. My alcohol tolerance is not that much and I know I'm a bit drunk by drinking wine but I'm still in my best self.

"Hola! No I'm not."

"Is that so. I assume you're a tourist Ms."

"Uhmmm... something like that I think." We booth chuckles.

"Nathalie sis finally I saw you."

"Eh? Leonardo I haven't see you for a while."

"Now you see me. Oh disculpe and your name por favor."

Leonardo is pertaining to the guy who talk to me. Leonardo is frowning.

"Mi nombre es Rafael Cruz sobrino del Sr. Juan Cruz gusto en conocerte y eres?"

"Oh! perdóname soy leonardo guerra hijo de fidelen guerra amigo de tu tio juan. Y esta Nathalie Buena mi queridísima prima."

What are they talking about only a few words I can only understand or maybe because of this alchol in my body makes my mind foggy. The guy who named Rafael smiled at me. Do I'm his type? My gosh Nathalie stop those weird thoughts of you.

"I'm sorry Rafael but we must go to greet you Uncle anyways thank you for your time. Nathalie we must go, stand."

Since I'm not that very drunk I manage to stand on my own eventhough Leonardo is there and assisting me and I also manage to walk properly. I guess this is how this night will end.

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