Lo siento... te amo pg.15

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We are now here in a hallway leading to Rodrigo's office and before I even hold the doorknob of his office the door slowly opens and his figure welcomes us.

"Oh hello, Rodrigo I'm sorry for the inconvenience."

"No, it's fine besides it was this adorable little girl here who requested it so it's fine. Come inside Franco is here waiting for the both of you."

I smile shyly and I don't feel as if I should be comfortable at this moment because of what he said. I let Tanya walk first since she badly wanted to see Franco and play with him. As soon as Franco saw Tanya he became energetic and smiled brightly just like Tanya too. I sat on the long sofa not so far from Rodrigo's table while looking around his office my eyes landed on him and I saw him dialing a number on his office desk phone. He seems so busy so I wonder why he had to accept our request as soon as I told him.

I comfortably sat on the sofa while looking at Tanya and Franco who seemed to enjoying playing the board game. I don't know what should I do, aside from the request of Tanya I don't have anything to do here. Suddenly a knock on the door of Rodrigo's office can be heard.

Who would that be?

The door opened and I saw his Secretary with a serving tray with two glasses of water on it.

"Gracias secretaria Ruiz. You may take your leave." Rodrigo said.

While Rodrigo and his secretary are having a conversation I just look at Rodrigo's face and surprisingly our eyes meet and not so long when I flinch at the sudden ring of my phone at the moment.

"E-excuse me I... I have a call may I?"

"Yes, you may no problem."

When I looked at my phone screen I already knew it was for work.

"Hello, May Ann? Yes, and I am well thank you. Oh, there is nothing to be bothered by. I see. I just have a few days left. How's everything hmm? Great! See you soon May Ann thank you for the call."

The call ended up well and I was glad that everything was fine.

"Hayst, ilang araw na lang pala ang natitira and I soon..." I mutter to myself.

"Is there anything wrong? Based on your expression there is something off." Rodrigo said with worry.

"Estoy bien." I said while directly looking at him.

"If that's the case then I ask my Secretary to prepare water and if you find yourself thirsty you can grab one I'll just need to focus on something here."

"Yeah, muchas gracias Rodrigo."

I grab one and take a sip while looking at my phone and take a look at our group chat. I'm a movie producer and at this time I was given a vacation leave for how good I was in my work lately though I didn't accept it at first my colleagues and Movie Director Mr. Sanchez persuaded me to take the offer besides it was a great opportunity to unwind and relax a bit and it's been weeks since I set foot here in Spain.

The voices of Tanya and Franco while playing, my worries, and the sound of Rodrigo's keyboard makes me sink into deep thoughts. I need to come back soon.

I'm holding my phone but my eyes are on Rodrigo. He's very busy and his hands—he's not even resting them from tapping each key of it. Does he call me that night? Or what if he's just mistaken or what if it's just really my dream? When I and Tanya return from home I need to arrange my things and prepare every plan for my return to my job. Hmmm... what should my plans be?

"Ha!" A soft gasp escaped from my mouth.

I didn't realize how long I stared at him and he saw me. I must have lost my mind staring at him while planning to leave?! I quickly turned to my left and looked at my phone. I rested my back on the backrest of the sofa and leaned on it. I feel like I wanted to rest since I saw Tanya was having a good time already and I finally resolved the main problem there's nothing wrong with resting right?

I already closed my eyes but a lot of thoughts are still running on my mind. How am I gonna rest?

[ After an hour ]

I feel numb. My thighs are numb, it feels heavy am I lifting something I don't even know? I opened my eyes to see why I feel that way and now I know. Tanya and Franco are resting on my lap but should I say resting cause' it seems like they sleeping already. How could they fit on the sofa, help! If I move I might wake them up so this is bad.

I looked at Rodrigo's desk and I saw how soundly he slept so he fell asleep too. I saw the scattered pieces of board game on the floor so these two little kids here didn't even bother to put those back and dive straight into my lap.

I carefully move Tanya's head and Franco's so that I can stand and lay them comfortably on the sofa. I thought Franco would be awake because he suddenly made a sound but his not so I guess it is good. I look around to see if there is a blanket or something to cover these two kiddos here. I searched around and opened each large cabinet in Rodrigo's office to see if he had a spare blanket and thankfully I found one large blanket. I cover the blanket for Tanya and Franco and make sure they are well covered then I walk to Rodrigo to get his blazer and I cover it for him since it's chilly here in his office. Next, I sat in squats and put each piece of the board game inside of it and I walked towards Rodrigo's desk on his side to be exact since the other pieces were next to his shoes when suddenly the chair moved. I slowly looked up and I saw Rodrigo looking down at me.

"What is your business here... Nathalie?"

"Ahhh haha I..."

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