Lo siento... te amo pg.6

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We excused ourselves from Auntie Diane, Yander, Franco and Tanya. Rodrigo accompany me to the direction of the balcony. We are already in the stairs when this question suddenly pop out of my mind.

"¿Se nos permite estar en el balcón?"

"Sí, my father and Uncle Juan are business partners so basically we've known each other since I'm young."

"So your saying Uncle Juan was already a business partner of your dad even before?" I cover my mouth in shocked and blink.

"Yeah and don't look at me look on the stairs you might take a wrong step so be careful."

I do what he advise and I took my eyes off of him. But I kinda feel sad when he suddenly change the topic. The stairs are a little bit long that it makes me feel tired. When we finally reached the balcony Rodrigo open the door. Actually the balcony has a two door and he open it both. Slowly. Like in a disney movie.


"You know what I'd like to come inside but you've say it in an arrogant way Señor Rodrigo." I said in cold manner.

He sigh and shake his head.

"You're unbeliveable okay I will say it in the manner you want. Adelante Señora Nathalie."

He really did it to say in a gentle way. I walk forward and when I'm finally inside two meters away from the door he closed it immediately, for what he did I make a sudden turn to face the door.

"What's wrong ha? Suddenly asking me for a conversation, for the balcony and now this closing the door. What are you planning to do? Is this connected to my maybe rudeness towards you when we first meet?

He walks towards me and pull out something to the pocket of his pants. I was nervous before because I didn't know what is it.

"Oh! a handkerchief."

Rodrigo nodded his head and get on his knees. "Eh getting on his knees what's going on? He's wiping my shoes while saying this...

"Your Yander that you dearly adore and saying gentleman didn't even notice the dirt on your shoes."

While he's saying those words he is wiping my shoes. My mind realize that it was his handkerchief.

"You're out of your mind Señor Rodrigo! It was your handkerchief! Don't use it to wipe the dirt in my shoes."

"Hmmm... where the hell the other guest step their shoes are there any dirt in here?" He sarcastically said. "Or perhaps those guests visit the garden where they get the dirt on their shoes."

"Stop ignoring me Rodrigo!"

He look at me this time and smirked.

"Now you're calling me by my name, Me gusta eso. Just call me by my name its fine for me and I will call you by your name so are we good with that Natha...lie?"

You never know I'm already calling you by your name in my mind arrogant man.

"Bien, bien lo que quieras." I said.

He back his looks at my shoes and do another wipe and then he stand putting his handkerchief back at his pocket. He walk towards the handrail of the balcony. He's looking at the view of the city. I also walk towards him while also looking to that view.

"Hermoso no?"

He didn't even say a word or glance at me nor nodded his head. What happened? Earlier his like a man full of confidence and will throw a word on you in an arrogant way but now his just staring from that view inhaling the air. The cold breeze of night touches his hair. He always have this style that for me was so classic and one of the best.

"You look good in a regular haircut."

Just to break the silence between us that is what I think of to say.

"Yeah so how do you feel being with him?"

"With whom? Is it Yander?"

"Yes, who else do I'm talking to?"

He's frowning and wanted to know my answer. Why would he be so curious with that I still didn't know him. We still didn't know each other are we supposed to tell those things with each other? I narrow my eyes on him.

"Why ask?"

"Solo queria saber ademas yo tambien he estado alli en el Parque del Buen Retiro."

I look at him for what he said.

"When Yander take me there he said I can be on my own so I do what he said. Not to mention the beauty of the park is one of a kind. All I feel is extreme happiness. There's a carved angel in fountains, a part where there are a lot of flowers and a lot more. I also love its entrance gate. Like what I've said Yander is gentleman."

"Looks like you really had a great time, together."

"Hey you look kinda jealo...."

"Stop on your theories don't even dare to speak that word I have a girlfri... I have a girlfrie... girlfriend. Indeed I have a girlfriend so stop acting like that we didn't know each other yet so we don't have to be so close."

Look who's talking so defensive are we on a war?

"Fine." Then I rolled my eyes. After that a silence pass in the balcony and it was so quiet that it makes my ears feels numb.

"Wanna dance with me later Nathalie?"

"No sé bailar, especialmente el formal."

"Come on we will just sway, move our body, and our feet. I will guide you. Let's practice now if its okay with you for I know around 9 o'clock is the official start of the party."

"I don't want to thanks and I'm sorry."

"You really don't want to?" He grab my waist. "I can teach you." Then he hold my hand.

"Hey what are you doing that's that's obviously a hokage moves. I'm stuttering while saying the word 'that's' because his caressing my waist.

"I will teach you how to dance so that I can dance you later."

He started moving and make me move too. Stepping our right foot and swaying to the right. "Hey Nathalie put your left hand to my shoulder."

"I don't want to." I insist.

"So if you don't want I'm sorry but I need to do this."

He put his hand that touches my waist to my face and slowly move his face onto mine. I panicked.

"Hey, hey hey okay fine bien."

He stop and didn't continue what he will going to do. I put my left hand to his shoulder and he start moving again.

"We didn't truly know each other you know that Rodrigo."

"I know and so? I am Rodrigo Rodriguez Uncle of Franco Rodrigo whom Tanya's friend. I am 26 years old, I have three siblings two boys and one girl. And I am a young bussiness man. Is that information enough?"

I chuckles. What the hell! He seriously introduce himself like that.

"Wow your amazing Rodrigo. A handsome guy like you who introduces himself like that, I like that jajaja."

*jajaja is hahaha in english

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