Lo siento... te amo pg.11

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"Oh hello Rodrigo it was nice seeing you here!"

I know your Rodrigo the one who befriend me, the one who is flirtatious man enough to hook me by your presence, the man who send a friend request to me on facebook and now the one who is most likely and almost going to happen - ghosting me. I'm saying this words in my mind out loud while almost faking a smile directly at his face. So what now are you going to avoid me again hmm?

He even didn't smile at me.

He's just staring right directly to my eyes and his hazel eyes is one of his body parts that amazes me all the time. Its deceiving me the more I look directly to it and I've been hypnotize with its rare beauty.

"Where did you go Nathalie? And that thing in your hand is—what?" Rodrigo ask me when he notice that I'm almost looked like bewildered.

His question make me come to my senses that also make me look at the book in my hand. I'm just using a shoulder bag when I go out and the book obviously doesn't fit into it.

"Ahhhh" Mahinahun kong sinabi. "I got this from Custa de Moyano it was entitled as ATTRACTION. By the way do you need an overview of the book Rodri–go?

He give me his silence as an answer.

"Then give me a quick one." He seriously said.

Uhhh kahit kailan this man is so stubborn! If you want a detailed one then I'm in.

"This book composed of 150 pages with different short and lenghty life advices and there's also some poems written back to back. Some are written in spanish and some are in english. Some are about family, friendship, life, emotions, and of course love." When I said the word 'love' he narrow his look at me that gives a small smile into my lips.

"Está bien, lee un poema para mí que quiero decir para nosotros."

"For us, you sure?"

"Of course I'm sure. Go ahead speak."

I shrug then randomly says a number to refer for the page of the book and I choose number 6.

"Okay, page 6 about friendship."

Standing in the same ground
Can understand each other well otherwise not but its fine
Its fine my friend
It happens mostly that ones of your friend/s will slip away with your
arms and will look for other company
Its normal though its hurt Friendship is one of the treasure we have whatever our social status is we also have a friend to turn to that will care for us
Friendship is the best foundation of all most especially when it comes to love let friendship be the foundation of your relationship

Someone will stay, some will not no matter how long both of you have been as a friend together
Its fine
Changes is the only permanent in this world that no one can stop
It's inevitable and unpredictable
Live your life with ease and welcome new friendship that you will encounter along your way
Do not be afraid
Maybe there will someone who will stay forever by your side no matter what the circumstances is

"Its done, so how is it?" I said as soon as I finished reading the text.

"Quiet nice, Estoy impresionado." Ngumiti siya ng tipid.

"One more thing who are you with?"

"I'm with Yander is there's any problem?"

"You're with Yander do I heared it right? Hmmmm... okay but you know you– may call me if you want to visit some attractions and places here in Madrid I will clear my schedules for that. You don't have to call someone I can accompany you just call me." His saying those words with his hoarse voice.

I chuckles. "Are you jealous or are you just truly concerned or what?" I whisper to his ears, tessing him.

He shake his head. "You're unbelievable woman think what ever you want to, and assume all you want— its not like that."

Soft chuckles come out of my mouth while shaking my head. I pat his right shoulder while saying "you better say what your heart is saying Rodrigo before it becomes to late also I'm joking I came by myself earlier there's no Yander neither other man accompany me." I walk towards Tanya and Franco that are busy building a house in lego.

"¿Cómo están los dos? Enjoying?"

"Sì, Ate Nathalie." Franco replied.

"May I join in?"

They both nod and smiled at me while I am excited to start helping them built the house Rodrigo is still standing the way I left him earlier. Is he okay or what?

"Señor Rodrigo would you mind joining in perhaps this will make you forgot things that stressed you out? What do you think?"

"Sure... por qué no."

He sit beside me without hesitation.

"The green is here in the top Franco, put it there." Tanya said.

"Okay fine. You're the boss Tanya." Replied Franco. "Do put the white bricks too Tanya."

"Hey Nathalie do you really enjoy doing this why would you go with me for a bit and have a chat?" Pagsinggit ni Rodrigo.

"I do enjoy doing this are you not? Its fun and this is one of my favorite things to do built something from bricks such as this from lego."

"But I need to maybe talk to you in just the two of us?" He whisper.

His whisper make me look at him hurriedly that makes our forehead bump into each other. It make me look into his eyes and his pointed nose touch my small but pointed nose too.

"It seems you're enjoying this position, aren't you Nathalie."

I frost. Can't speak nor blink.

"Tiyo Rodrigo and Ate Nathalie we are still here maybe both of you forgot? Franco said and both of him and Tanya chuckled softly.

"Oh sorry I forgot forgive us. I breath deeply. Let's us continue with the lego everyone."

I turned my face away from being close to Rodrigo and when both of us are already in the right position facing Tanya and Franco I give him a punch in his thighs. Because of what I did he look at me with a shocked face.

"Why did you do that?"

"Its because of you we accidentally show unappropriate for minors. I will even punch you stronger later, so be prepared!" I whisper.

"I hope you will really do that before I hold your waist and caresses your shoulder." He whisper to me and smile soflty. I can feel his steamy breath form my neck.

Kahit kailan this man is a certified pervert!


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