Lo siento... te amo pg. 18

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"How's the food to you, Princess?"

"This was super appetizing! Have some for you to have a taste of this."

I take a bit of what I'm eating and feed him some with the spoon I already used that I don't even realize at first. After he ate the food I gave him I saw his face pleased by its taste that makes me smile.

We had a chat about some random topics while slowly sipping our ordered iced coffee latte.

"Hey stop it, you're a grown man now!"

"Hey too, I know that." He chuckles.

He's teasing me like there is no tomorrow and just like a child. While sipping into the cup of my iced coffee latte the smile formed on my lips cannot be hidden. We keep on strolling and enjoying the peaceful walk we're having.

"So how many days you still have left Princess?"

"Days? Left?"

"Yes, seems like you just have a summer vacation here. Nards told me that."

"Oh, now I know what you're saying. Pasensya na akala ko kung ano na."

"So how many days left?"

"I-I'm not so sure how many days left, to be honest maybe twenty or seventeen? Basta all I know is I'm slowly feeling it the..."

I suddenly can't utter a word.

"The, fe-feeling of m-missing this place and the people around me."

I don't look at Yander's face but I can feel that he's looking at me with his sad eyes. I don't know I just felt it like that or am I wrong?

"Okay ka lang ba? Ay anak ng tukwaaa!"

"You must not forget I know how to speak Tagalog."

"Opps sorry na may bigla kasing bata na tumakbo sa gilid ko alam mo yung tipong bubungguin ako. Daig pang si Flash sa bilis. Shaks parang malalaglag puso ko."

"Do you want to spend those days with me?" Yander said with seriousness on his face.

"Spend the remaining days I have on you? Don't you have anything to do?"

"I have of course like work stuff and personal stuff but I can still spend time with you."

"Don't you have a girlfriend?"

"What if I say I don't then what it is to you hmm?"

"Then I suggest you should find someone na di kana bumabata or much better kung hintayin mo na lang na kusang dumating siguro."

I heard him sigh at what I said.

"I waited enough I guess and she's with.....me"

Yander said those words in more like a whisper but I still managed to hear it plus the 'me' word became almost muted and that kept me wary.

"I just want her to recognize me as someone who will love her."

The feeling of discomfort surrounds us but I don't want to ruin this moment.

"Hey, what's with the long face? Shouldn't we be enjoying your day off with me? Come on stop worrying I will spend this day with you. So where is our next destination is there any on your list?"

Yander looks at me in my eyes while saying.

"Yeah I still have some places left on my list do you wanna check them out with me I mean?"

"Why not I know I'm safe whenever I'm with you you're my cousin's best friend naman eh."

"So you trust me huh?"

"Suit yourself on what will you think about my words."

Yander chuckles after hearing what I said and throws his empty cup of iced coffee latte in the trash can beside him.

"Wait! Can we stay here in Barrio de las Letras for a few more hours I wanted to see more of it, if it's okay with you?"

"Yes, it's okay with me besides if that's what you wish then we will spend more hours here. You're my boss now Princess, remember that."

I scoffed but a smile formed on my lips after that. Let me see the beauty of this place.

As I looked around I saw how detailed most of the establishments are. From its interior design to its exterior design. Some café are made of wood and that looks screams elegance. Some establishments are in bright youthful paints and some are on the darker side.

"Aren't you tired we can rest here." ani ni Yander.

"Sure it is best if we rest first and take a look again later."

I still have the cup of latte in my hands that we ordered earlier. I pinch it and squeeze it as if I'm playing it like a bored kid.

"Wants some water, Princess?"

"Yes please, I realize we're still not drinking water after our long stroll."

Yander stands and says he will just buy water for us and will be back immediately. While Yander was away I found a trash can not far from the bench we were sitting so I decided to throw the cup already since it was no use now. After I throw it I go back to the bench and relaxingly sit ng walang anu-ano ay may tumatawag sa cellphone ko na naging dahilan upang magulat ako.

"Hello po Tita Diane yes po. I'm still with Yander. Po? A visitor?"

Why would I have another visitor? I don't have friends here so who could that be?

"He wants me to what po? Go home immediately! Sige po I will tell Yander that I need to go home now. It's fine lang po sige po Tita Diane, thank you po."

With the sudden stand that I made earlier with the call, I slowly sit and am careful not to fall from the bench.

"Here's the water Princess."

I see Yander's sweat from his forehead is about to fall so I immediately wipe it for him.

"Oh, what are you...?"

"Ah I just got distracted by your sweat so I wiped it before it fell. Apologies for the sudden action I've made."

Nagulat si Yander.

"Ah okay lang yun. Nagulat lang ako so its fine."

Yander smiles at me and this makes me realize what I am about to say.

"Yander may you drive me back home?"

"So soon? What's the matter?"

"Tita Diane said I have a visitor. Visitor that I don't even know who."

"Tita Diane didn't tell you who is that?"

"She said that visitor said don't say its name on me."

Yander gives me an unbelievable look on his face. Even I was shocked but who could this be? This person will never be the person on my mind right now, right?


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