Lo siento... te amo pg. 17

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Indeed tonight lying in my bed with complete tranquility staring outside the window and hugging my pillow is what I need to sort things out in me. So he didn't truly mean to say 'baby' to me because he was just drunk at that time. I'm not sad; I'm just offended. That's it I'm deeply offended. My body wanted to sleep but my mind wasn't. Body and mind ko pa nga lang ang nagtatalo nahihirapan na ako eh paano naman kapag puso at utak ko na ang nagtalo how am I gonna manage it? I somehow felt bad for going into his office knowing he was too busy to even welcome a guest. I hope we don't happen to interrupt him during his working hours.

As I watch the night sky with some stars that keep on shining even in the distance I feel a sudden sting in my heart that makes me grab my phone and search for this person in my contacts.

The next morning I woke up still hugging my pillow and feeling refreshed however I have this feeling that this refreshed feeling will not take long. I grabbed the glass under the study table in my room and slowly walked towards the door.

"Hola tía, buenos días!"

"Buenos dias din iha. You have a visitante iha. It was still so early in the morning yet his already here. Maybe it was his day off ¿Por qué no conversan ustedes dos primero... hmmm?"

"Sì tía no problem."

"Hmmm, I wonder who is it in this early morning."

I make haste to see who is it and to avoid offending him for being late and when I'm already in the living room I see his outfit that so refreshing in the eye.

"Hi Princess how are you?"

"Oh, I'm fine by the way those clothes, you looked so fresh in them!"

"Muchas gracias Princess."

"By the way what brings you here Yander early in this morning?"

"Ah, yes I was just gonna ask you to visit some places here in Madrid I'm free today so I think it will be good for you to see those. How does that sound?"

"Well, it sounds good, why not?"

"Let's take a stroll perhaps? I know a place."

"Sure, sure. Just give me some time and I'll be ready to go."

Sure, it was very unexpected to see him here but upon saying that we will visit some great places here in Madrid my ears suddenly became attentive and I'm very excited now.

I told Tía Diane about it and eventually gave me her permission. I wore a dress whose hem was below my knees and whose was color baby blue.

"Do you wait for too long?"

"Nope, you're just in time Princess so let's go?"

Before Yander and I go I bid my goodbye first to Tía Diane and I ask her to let Tanya know that I go out with Yander.

We are now at his car and putting our seatbelt on.

"So you're ready Princess?"

"Hey stop with the Princess, okay?"

"Why not I liked it."

I rolled my eyes at those words of Yander after I scoffed. Fine if that's really what you want.

"By the way where are we going hmm?"

"I suggest we go to Barrio de las Letras (The Literary Quarter) it is a neighborhood here in Madrid. How does that sound?"

"Sounds good!" I excitedly reply.

Ilang segundo pa at pinaandar na ni Yander ang sasakyan and I, I was thrilled to go at ilang minuto pa nga ay natanaw ko na malapit na kami. Kaagad akong bumaba ng sasakyan at hindi na inintay pang pagbuksan ako ng pinto ng sasakyan ni Yander. As I set foot to the cobblestones of the barrio and see this place myself I couldn't unsee how spacious and expensive it looks like plus the trees on both sides of the place adds a refreshing look on it but I cannot deny that there are a lot of people coming this day. This place looks somehow busy.

"Una vista única." Yander mumbled.

I look at Yander after hearing it and surprisingly his not looking into me but rather at the barrio then he slowly looks at me with a smile on his face.

"Let's take a stroll!"

"Let's go!"

As we walked Yander shared his knowledge with me about the place and I attentively listened to it.

"Barrio de las Letras is a neighbourhood in the centre of Madrid where some of Spain's greatest literati have lived and written over the years. This is an area where it is easy to find houses in which towering literary figures of the Spanish Golden Age such as Lope de Vega, Quevedo, Góngora, and Cervantes lived and wrote. This is why on the cobbles of many of the streets you'll find inscriptions and brief texts from the works of some of these writers.

Another of the charms of the Las Letras quarter is its abundant offer of shops and businesses, which include everything from the most traditional establishments with centuries of history. Here we can see several Café too."

I was in awe knowing those details and I know there are a lot more details I haven't heard of which makes me wonder more.

When I looked down I saw that we were walking in sync I could hear the voices of each person in the surroundings yet I found peace being with him. Haha, should I go with him often? Do I already look forward to our next destination for this day, where it should be kaya? Would it be more beautiful than this?

I looked up and saw Yander's face. He has this face of something most teenage girls would want for sure!

The sky is clear today and sunny. This kind of day is the best day to unwind and relax. It would be good to be on a picnic too whether alone or with accompany. It would be silly of me to want to go by myself, right since one of the best feelings is to relax with someone you love by your side. I hope the man in my dreams got to experience a day off today to see this lovely weather I'm seeing now.

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📍[Here is the reference I used for the details of Barrio de las Letras]


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