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BOSTON - 1982

The Snow Queen was walking on Boston's streets. She saw a psychic shop and entered.

"You have travelled a great distance, but I can help you," Madame Faustina said. "Madame Faustina is here."

"Sorceress, can you use your powers of crystal gazing to show me a girl not yet born?" the Snow Queen asked.

"This girl is special to you?"

"Very much so. At the age of 28, she will arrive in a town called Storybrooke."

"Madame Faustina knows all. Come. The crystal ball awaits. How will you express your gratitude?"

"Thank you."

"Payment. How... How will you pay me?"

"Will this do?" Ingrid gave Madame Faustina her necklace.

"Spirits of the ball, hear me and obey. I see... A child."


"A girl... Who is... Special."

"Yes. She has many gifts. Tell me more."

"The child's name is... Susan."

Ingrid left the shop. "Liar! Her name will be Emma Swan! The Apprentice's scroll promises this!"

"I don't know nothin' about a scroll. Now get outta here or you're gonna get a wicked beating."

"Where I'm from, charlatans such as yourself are severely punished."

"Last warning, fruitcake. Hit the bricks."

"Your trickery changes nothing. I will find Emma. She is coming, and I will find her. And I will wait for her as long as I must. And then I will have what I deserve."


The Snow Queen was walking in the street.

Happy shot Leroy who yelled, "He's coming! He's coming! And I ain't happy!"


"Prince Charming. Finally I'm seeing you clearly," Mary Margaret said.

"And what do you see?" David asked.

"A fraud. A shepherd who has no business being royalty."

"Well, I see a spoiled little princess who ran away from her troubles, who always runs away!"

"I can't believe I had a child with you."

"Oh, who knows? Maybe you didn't. Could be Whale's."

"You know, if this is what marriage is like, I'm glad you keep postponing ours," Kristoff commented.

"You don't mean that, Kristoff," Anna replied. "It's the spell."

"No. I'm seeing clearly now, too. I'm beginning to think that this haircut wasn't my only bad idea."

"I know this isn't really you. I know it. But it's still upsetting, so I'm just... I'm gonna go see my sister. And you just stay here handcuffed where you can't hurt anybody... But me... With your words."

Indiana let out a scoff. "I'll ought to give that captain a piece of my mind for leaving me!"

"My parents and Indy... That's not who they are," Emma said.

"They're their worst selves," Elsa told her. "It's like when Anna put me in that urn. She didn't mean what she said either... I hope."

"I didn't," Anna commented. "That doesn't make any of this less horrible."

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