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Regina joined the Queens of Darkness at Granny's Diner and said, "So, the rumors are true. You're back from the ashes."

"What are you doing here, Regina?" Maleficent asked.

"Making it easier for you. If you want to try to kill me, I'm right here."

"So that's why you think I'm back... To kill you."

"I trapped you underground for 30 years, and you're not big on forgiveness."

"That's true. But what you did is nothing in the grand scheme. There are far worse crimes that must be answered for."

"Careful, darling," Cruella warned. "She's thick as thieves with those heroes."

"Not by choice," Regina said. "You know how much I wanted my revenge. But in this town, I had to play nice to survive. Alone... Watching them enjoy, the happiness I was denied. If you're planning on destroying some of that happiness, I want in."

"You can't expect us to believe that," Ursula shot back.

"Of course she doesn't," Maleficent stated. "That's why she's here. She wants us to see she's still one of us."

"I am," Regina replied.

"Then let's find out. Are you still a bad girl, Regina?"

"The worst."


Snow White was riding. Regina watched her angrily.

"Hyah! Come on, Roman," Snow White said.

"Well, hurrah for Snow White," Regina muttered, rippiny Snow White trophies from the walls.

"Ooh! I love a touch of irony!" Rumplestiltskin exclaimed."The day you met Snow White, she nearly died on a horse. And yet today, she's the best rider in all the land."

"It's her precious horse that's won those medals, not her."

"Still, good fortune does tend to, uh, fall in her lap, does it not?"

"And you promised to teach me magic so I can end her charmed life!"

"Well, I'm teaching you, dearie. Though you sound a bit impatient. Sneaking out here to read... What is it? Maleficent's spell book?"

"I found it in my mother's things. She can turn into..."

"A fire-breathing dragon. Yes, yes, yes. A bit showy if you ask me."

"I'm just tired of watching snow grow up. I am tired of her getting everything, and I... I want to finally have my revenge."

"You don't even know what revenge looks like, dearie."

"You're right. All I know what your lessons look like, and they're taking me nowhere."

"Before you start throwing stones, you might want to look in the mirror. And I'm not speaking metaphorically." A landscape appeared on the mirror.

"What is this place?"

"It's a wasteland. But years ago, it was a lush forest till Maleficent burned it down. Her dragon flame burned so hot that there's one tree still on fire half a lifetime later."

"Do you know how she did it?"

"With a powerful magic that she cultivated with that most precious commodity... Time. If you ignore the gift of time and rush into things, you... Will never be ready."

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