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Birds chirped and panting sounded.

"What is it?" Prince Charming asked. "Did the trail go cold?"

"Shh," Snow White said as a unicorn grunted and she sighed. "Well, come on. Let's get this over with."

"Snow... I know you're worried about Maleficent's protections."

"Aren't you? If she's right, our child could end up with a dark heart."

"Or it could grow to be a powerful hero. She said that, too, and who's to say we can even trust her?"

"Let's find out." The unicorn grunted. "According to legend, all we need to do is touch its horn... And we'll get a glimpse of our child's future."

Crunching sounded and there was a twinkle. Insects chirped and a baby fussed.

"Ohh," Prince Charming said. "Yes. Look at you. You are so beautiful." He chuckled and gasped. "Snow, it's all right. Our baby's gonna be all right! Snow?"

"Look at you. You're so beautiful," Snow White told her, gasping and grunting as Young Emma took her heart. "What are you doing?! Please! I'm your mother!"

"I don't care," Young Emma said and the heart shattered, causing Snow White to gasp.

"Did you see?" Prince Charming asked. "Our child's gonna be just fine."

"No," Snow White told him. "No, it's not. It's evil."


"How the hell is the Author trapped inside the book?" Regina wondered.

"Don't ask me," Emma said. "You're the magic expert."

"Mom," Henry called.

"Well, this is insane. What are we supposed to do, draw a key?" Regina guessed.

"What we need to do is figure it out before Gold does," Emma told her.

"Mom!" Henry cried.

"What is it?" Regina asked.

"There's something wrong with August."

"August?" Emma called. "August? We need to get him help."


Birds chirped.

"He's been through a lot," the Blue Fairy said.

"What's happening? He was awake, and then he passed out, and..." Emma trailed.

"Well, he's been changed by magic many times. For him to survive this, he will have to be very strong."

"We have a bigger problem," Regina earned. "Gold and these other witches are expecting me. They sent me on a mission to get that page from the book. And if I return empty-handed, whatever suspicions they have of me will be confirmed."

"Then give them this," Emma told her, conjuring a duplicate of the page with the door on it.

"Wow. You're getting good," Henry complimented.

Indiana smiled. "Well done."

"I've been practicing," Emma told them.


"A forgery?" Regina said. "This is Gold we're talking about."

"Then pull out, and we will protect you," Emma said.

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