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A dove flew off a window sill. Prince Charming wandered through the palace. Entering Emma's proposed nursery room, Prince Charming looked around. There was a cradle standing in the middle of the room. Toys are lying around everywhere.

"This... This is impossible," Prince Charming said. "This shouldn't be here." He stepped closer to the cradle. "This is all wrong."

"You're right," Emma replied. Startled, Prince Charming turned around. He noticed his daughter standing behind him. Emma wore a ball grown. "A full-grown princess still living in her nursery? I don't even have a proper vanity."

Prince Charming was confused. "Emma, what... What are you doing here?"

"I was looking for a place to practice. I'm a little nervous about tonight."

Prince Charming grew more confused. "Tonight? What's tonight?"

"The ball. You know, I've never been to one before. I don't even know how to dance." She took Prince Charming by the hand. "Teach me." Together they practiced a few dance steps.

"You're a natural. Just like your mother."

Emma chuckled. "And you're the best teacher a daughter could hope for." Prince Charming lifted Emma up.

"Oh Emma, this is everything I ever hoped for you."

"Me, too. It's a shame I never got it."

"What do you mean?" They proceeded to dance around the room and finally stop in front of the magic wardrobe.

"I'm not really here. I was never here. I should be, but I'm not. All for one reason:" She backed away from her father. "You failed me." Suddenly, the room darkened and thunder could be heard outside. Toys were falling off the shelves. Furthermore, the magic wardrobe's doors flung open and a spinning portal opened. Prince Charming grabbed Emma's hand in order to prevent her from going through. "Good bye, daddy."

Prince Charming began getting desperate. "I'm sorry. I'll save you."

"No, you can't save me. You failed me." Prince Charming tried harder to pull Emma back into the room. "There's nothing you can do."

"No, Emma!"

"Don't fail the next one." Letting go of his hand, Emma got sucked into the portal.



Waking up, Prince Charming opened his eyes. Emma's words echoed in his ears.

"Don't fail the next one. Don't fail the next one," Emma repeated.

Panting, Prince Charming sat up. "Snow?" Snow White stood at the window looking over the landscape.

Snow White's tone was cheerful as she said, "Look, who's awake." Prince Charming got out off the bed. "Come, look at this view, Charming. I've forgotten how beautiful it was here."

"Someone's in a good mood."

"I am. I have some pretty wonderful news. We're pregnant."

"You are?"

"Are you not happy?"

"No. No, I'm not. I'm thrilled." Chuckling, Snow White hugged Prince Charming.


"So, now that we know who we are dealing with, how do we find this Wicked Witch?" David asked.

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