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It was nighttime, and Hook and his crew were sailing the ship through the waters of Neverland at night. Hook walked up to the helm and he was carrying a lantern. Smee was by the wheel and was eating cake.

"Mr. Smee, we are to return to Neverland with a full hold... not full bellies," Hook said.

"Come on, Captain," Mr. Smee replied. "Pan will never notice if a few cakes are missing."

"You can eat as many cakes as you want after I find a way to destroy the Dark One. Until then, we keep Pan happy."

"Of course."

Hook began to look entranced as a woman's voice could be heard. "So you hear that?" The voice continued.

"It's beautiful." The sounds of waves crashing came and the crew were too entranced by the Siren's song to notice that they were heading straight for rocks. Suddenly the singing stopped, and the men came back to their senses.

Hook glanced back through his telescope and saw that they were going to get shipwrecked. "Rocks dead ahead!" He raced back to the helm, and forcefully tried to steer the ship away from the rocks, successful in his actions.

Mr. Smee stood beside Hook. "That voice, captain... What was it?"

Hook breathed heavily. "The most dangerous creature in all the seas... A mermaid."


A young Ursula sat on the rocks where Hook's ship was heading. She was watching Hook sail his ship back to safety. Ursula looked sad. A moment later, her father, Poseidon appeared, and he wasn't happy.

"Why did you let that ship go?" Poseidon asked.

"I'm sorry, father, but I couldn't," Ursula replied.

"But I told you to. And I'm..."

"Poseidon, King of the Sea. Yes, yes. I know, but still... I want to use my voice to make people happy, not to hurt them."

"That's what your mother wanted, and look what happened to her."

"I miss her, too, father. But she's the one that taught me to sing, and I know she wouldn't want me to use my voice like this."

"She also wouldn't want you to let her murderers sail free. She would want you to avenge her death."

"No! That's what you want! Just because one human hurt mother doesn't mean they're all bad."

"Enough! As long as you live in my ocean, you will live by my rules."

"Then maybe I don't want to live in your ocean."

"Ursula, pout all you want, but I expect you home by high tide." He disappeared in a rush of water.


Ursula was outside on the veranda, overlooking the lake, as she listened to someone singing on an old radio. She was unaware that Cruella had come outside.

"Darling," Cruella called. "Come. You're missing out on all the fun."

Ursula turned off her radio and followed Cruella.


August was still tied up on a chair. Mr. Gold and Regina were standing together, watching him struggle against his bonds.

"I already told you... I don't know anything about this author," August said.

Ursula entered with Cruella and walked over to August, holding a knife against his throat. "Well, perhaps you could use a little incentive."

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