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The Light One went back to his home.

"Look!" a boy cried. "It's him!"

Rumplestiltskin entered his house and called, "Belle!"

"Sounds like someone else wants to celebrate your return," Belle said softly.

"And how is the newest member of our dear family?"

"With any luck, he'll grow up to be just like dear old dad," Isaac stated.

"Belle. You didn't tell me we had a visitor."

"Name's Isaac. I was traveling through your village, when your wife invited me in to slake my thirst." He took a sip.  "Mm. Not to be too picky, but the water tastes a little murky."

"Oh," Belle replied. "I'll get some that's fresh from the well." She left.

"You didn't come here for the water," Rumplestiltskin stated.

"Perceptive in all worlds," Isaac noted
"Good. Yes. I came here to warn you. Your happiness is in danger."

"From what?"

"A boy. He's on a mission to help the bandit Regina. If he succeeds, everything you have will be destroyed. Not to mention what I have."

"Ha! What nonsense. How can some stranger's actions affect my life?"

"Because your happiness, your entire life... It's not real. I know because I am the one who created it... With magic. And it is all about to crumble. Regina's true love is about to marry another. She's going to try and stop the wedding. You cannot let her succeed. You have to kill her."

"Demon! You've been sent here to try to corrupt me."

"You have already been corrupted. Before all of this, you were a villain... Maybe the worst one of all. Which is why you had me use magic to rewrite your story. Look, I can prove it to you. I-I know things... The secrets that you've kept from Belle, the ones about your first son... Baelfire."

"Where did you hear that name?"

"In this story, he was killed in the ogre wars despite your heroic efforts. But in reality, he died because of your cowardice."

"No, no, no. I... I protected him. I did my best. I... I was honorable."

"No. You weren't. He died because of you."

"Liar! Get out of here... Now."

"All right. I'll go. But deep down, you know I'm right. You're not really a hero. And if you don't kill Regina and keep her from her happy ending, then everyone, including Belle, will know, too. I know you'll make the right choice, Rumple. You always do."


"Ahoy! Is anyone here?!" Henry asked.

"Careful, boy," Hook warned. "No one steps aboard the Jolly Roger's decks without an invitation from its captain first."

"Are you gonna make me walk the plank?"

"All depends on why you're here."

"I need a ship to take me to the bottomless sea."

"Now, those are treacherous waters," Sean said. "There must be something of great value there to be worth taking the risk."

""Someones". Their names are Emma and Indiana. She's my mom and Indy is my friend. And they were put there by the queen."

"Well, then, I'm sorry for you. Even if he or I wanted to, ww can't help you."

He looked to Hook. "Why? You're a captain. Can't you take your ship wherever you want?"

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