3 1 0

Evil Huey: So, broth  , we have two of the three shards we need to gather more power. This world is ripe for the taking, but we must find that final shard.

Grim Knight: Indeed, broth Huey. Once we have all three shards, our power will be unmatched. With this power, we can reshape the world to our liking.

Killmonger: And we'll make sure that those who have oppressed us and held us back will pay for their actions. This world will bow down before us.

*Meanwhile, in the underground lair, Ford Pines is shackled along with Nora Wakeman, forced to build robots for Evil Huey's army.*

Ford Pines: This is an outrage! How dare you force us to work against our will?

Nora Wakeman: Don't think that we won't find a way to stop you. We're not helpless, and our allies will come to our aid.

Drakken: Oh, please, Ford and Nora. Your feeble attempts at resistance are laughable. We have you under our control, and there's nothing you can do about it.

Ford Pines: We may be shackled, but our minds are free, and that's what will lead to our escape and your downfall.

*Back in the discussion between Evil Huey, Grim Knight, and Killmonger, they strategize their plan to find the last shard.*

Evil Huey: We must proceed carefully to find that final shard. The power it holds will unlock unimaginable abilities for all of us.

Grim Knight: There are rumors of its location hidden within ancient texts. We must send our best agents to retrieve it.

Killmonger: We need to ensure that our captive duo, Ford Pines and Nora Wakeman, continue to contribute to our cause. We can't afford any delays.

*As the discussion continues, the battle between good and evil intensifies, with the fate of the world hanging in the balance.*

Eddy was off track but ended up heading to gravity falls

Eddy: Alright, Gravity Falls, here I am! Time to find something valuable to scam and make some serious cash. Oh yeh where's the old man Been at on vacation or something .

Mabel Pines: Dipper, we need to find grunklr ford . He's been missing for a while, and something feels off.

Dipper: Don't worry, Mabel. I'll put my detective skills to work and find any clues about Ford's disappearance.

*Dipper scans the area for clues, his keen eye spotting something peculiar.*

Dipper: Look, Mabel, these are claw marks! It seems like there was some sort of struggle here.

Mabel Pines: Oh no, this doesn't look good. But we can't give up.  He  needs us!

Eddy: Hold on a second... I've heard about Gravity Falls and its weird stuff. Maybe there's something valuable here that we can profit from. Let me just put on my Ant-Man suit and... what do we have here?

*Eddy shrinks down, his ant-sized perspective leading him to a green fluid nearby.*

Eddy: Green fluid? It smells like portal fluid. We might be onto something big here!

Mabel Pines: That's it! Ford was studying interdimensional portals. If there's portal fluid around, it must be related to his research.

Dipper: This is a significant clue, Eddy. We need to investigate further and find out where this portal leads.

Eddy: Finally, a chance for a huge score! But helping you guys find Ford is a bonus.

Mabel Pines: Saving Ford is our top priority. Let's work together, mystery twins and Eddy, and unravel the mystery behind his disappearance.

ToonHeroes  :multiverse crisis  part 1Where stories live. Discover now