Chapter 10

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The Journey Begins

Snow watched as some of the village kids played around with William and her Queensguard as she sat on a batch of hay near the small family home.

Her eyes shifted to a young boy and girl walking up to her, she put on a soft smile and waved them over, their faces lit up as they ran over to the beautiful woman standing on either side of her legs.

"Your Majesty, you're very beautiful"
The young girl shyly said as the boy nodded.

"Almost as pretty as you Lizzie"

Snow watched as the boy sent an air kiss to the girl stood infront of him as her cheeks turned pink.

Her smile never leaving as the kids stood talking to her and each other, until the girl spoke up again.

"When I grow up I want to be a Queen just like you and marry a handsome King and live happily ever after"

Snows smile faltered as she looked over to her King Regent, making funny faces at the little children around him as they laughed at him. She moved her eyes over to her Queensguard as she lifted a giggling young boy onto her horse.

Sloane could feel eyes on her and turned to the direction of her Queen, sending a smile her way, Snow quickly looked down as a knot formed in her stomach, she looked back up to meet the eyes of the young kids infront of her and awkwardly smiled at the girl nodding her head.

William turned to Snow just in time to see her put her head down, he followed his gaze to where she was looking and saw the tan woman in armour still smiling at the Queen then slowly shaking her head and looking back to the boy on the horse.


Back in the house, the family were packing up for their trip to come, each with a bag big enough for a few extra clothes and supplies, Lyla packed a basket of food that would last them at least 2 weeks.

Micah opened the table as Lyla took the basket off and placed it on the bench, he took out his matching sickle and dagger, along with one of the four daggers that the family made when they were kids.

Brannon came next and lifted the hammer his father had used in battle as well as one of the family daggers.

Lyla came around the table once she was done packing a medical supply bag and picked up her dual-bladed staff and the second last dagger.

The family turned their heads over to Serephina as she stalked over, almost hesitating but then grabbing the two medium length swords she has grown so used to. She eased them into the harness on her back, she picked up the last dagger flipping it as she looked over at her family.

They gently smiled as she closed the table again, each of them picking up their bags and heading to the door.

Lyla paused as she stood by the doorway looking at her daughter stood next to her, she gently placed her hand on her shoulder and guided her out.

She came face to face with 3 people from earlier as all of the villagers surrounded them.

"Are you ready?" The Queen asked looking at her.

"I was born ready".


Hi everyone, I'm sorry for the long wait and the fact that it's such a short Chapter, I'm struggling with a bit of writers block so please be a bit patient with me, I will try my best to get the next chapter our quicker, I hope you're enjoying it so far, thank you for all the support😭❤.
Oh and below is a Pinterest board for the book, there's moodboards for some of the characters that can give you a better understanding of their weapons and just a little quote each.

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