Chapter 1

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                        The beginning

A hurling scream rippled through the walls of the castle as servants scurried to the Queens quarters with towels and buckets of water to help the crying queen deliver her child , the rightful heir to the throne .

Minutes passed which felt like hours as everyone in the room held their breaths in anticipation for the baby's arrival. Suddenly a small cry breaks through the tiresome pants of the queen who froze at the sound .

The queen sighed as the servants cleaned the baby and handed it carefully to her , " It is a girl your majesty ".

Ravenna stared at the baby as a warm feeling eloped her whole being "my girl" she whispered lovingly as a single tear escaped her already tear stained face. "What will you name her your majesty?" enquired one of the servants , Ravenna looked up with surprise on her face as she had forgotten others were in the room , after a moments pause she states just audible enough for the servants close by to hear "Serephina , fiery Serephina ".

After cleaning herself up and a change of clothes , alone with her offspring , Ravenna collected the baby into her arms as she settled down on the bench near the window of her bedroom, she stared at her child with pure affection and love . She felt different . A thought crossed her mind , perhaps she didn't need another kingdom , perhaps all she needed was her child . But just as quick as the thought entered her mind , it was gone . Ravenna's strong desires for power and eternal beauty outweighed her love for her new born .

A few months later after a strategically thought out plan , Ravenna created her illusion army and attacked her own kingdom slaughtering the few hundred people and left her child in the middle of the town square in a basket surrounded by dead bodies and a burning kingdom . She left for the Kingdom of King Magnus , whose wife had recently died , and never looked back as the child's piercing frightened screams began to grow quieter and quieter as she got further away from the castle .  

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