Chapter -1

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Without the company of the stars, the beautiful full moon shone alone in the pitch black night sky.The icy sensation is carried by the night wind breeze.The route is enclosed on all sides by trees.The scenes of the old tree's limbs shaking in the wind are similar of an individual waving their hand and screaming out.It's a very freezing night.Except for the sound of the white car traveling alone on the calm road, everything is quiet.

"Don't worry, Mom.I'm ok.I am no longer a child.Please.."

Because his mother's frightened voice interrupted his speech, Ethan smiled with a troubled expression and laughed dryly.

The other person on the phone is constantly talking.

Ethan understands that traveling alone without companionship is perilous.His sister was meant to accompany him, but she has urgent issues at work.She is unable to accompany him to visit their mother in their homeland.Ethan, on the other hand, was determined to see his sick mother and spend time with her because he never knows when he will see her again.

His mother's unexpected talk makes him uneasy, so he frowns slightly.

"Mom, it's only a dream."Nobody is pursuing me.If someone tries to hurt me right now.I just need to put them down to rest.You have no idea how strong your son is.Haha"

"Is it a mansion?"What's the matter with that mansion????I've never heard of such a home.... is it dangerous?What are you on about, Mom?I can't hear you....hello....hello"

Ethan checked his phone after dropping it.There is no longer a phone line.

"Normally, this place does not have a phone line."It absorbs."

Ethan turned off his phone and drove carefully.Despite the fact that he said these heroic remarks to calm down his mother.When he is the only one driving here, he gets a little scared.

"I heard this is the quickest way.Shit.I should have taken the regular route."

After an hour of driving, the sky darkened and a thick fog suddenly surrounded the road.

"I can't see anything clearly"He then looked around and noticed the massive old mansion near the mountain's peak.It's odd that the dense fog didn't cover the massive mansion, which was clearly visible.Something about that big ancient building seemed to be calling out to Ethan.He shivers at the odd sensation.He should get his car away from that mansion.

'It's a terribly frightening spot; how can someone build here when there's nothing around?

"It's such a beautiful mansion."In regarding mansions."Mom just mentioned one now."

Ethan had just remembered what his mother had told him about seeing a terrifying and beautiful ancient mansion in her dream.She was admiring the majesty of the mansion when she noticed someone running desperately towards her, pleading for help.That person grew closer to her, and she was surprised to discover that it was Ethan.
He appears terrified and wants to escape.He's in a mess and shaking violently.His eyes are filled with misery and helplessness.She rushed towards him in order to grab his extended hand and help him escape the mansion.Before he can reach out to her.

The mansion's massive adorned doorway closed on its own terrifyingly and shut Ethan in, and then a dark gigantic scary shadow behind Ethan seized him roughly and dragged him inside the mansion.Ethan was sobbing uncontrollably, desperate to be free of him.He seemed terrified.She tried to help him, but when the monster glances at her with his red bleeding eye, her entire body becomes paralyzed and she is unable to move or shout.Fear made her body cold and shudder.She believes it was a warning.A gentle warning not to intervene if she doesn't want to end her life in terrible circumstances.After that, she awoke from her nightmare.

Ethan's mother believes in supernatural phenomena such as ghosts and spirits.She believed that dreams connected the gap between immortality and humanity.She has had Ethan in her womb since the days.She has the same dream in which Ethan is being hunted by a certain thing.Like that thing craves what he owns back.It was the same thing all the time.That is why she has been concerned about Ethan since he was a child.Strangely enough, she had a dream about a mansion the night before.

Ethan is a modern guy.He teaches in the middle school.Unlike his mother, he believes in science and does not believe in the presence of ghosts or other supernatural beings.

All he wants now is for safety to arrive in his hometown.

"Fuck, it's getting thicker and thicker," Ethan says as he walks.So I decided to speed up ahead to get out of here.

Then he noticed the human-shaped figure in front of the car, a bit further away from him.He was terrified of hitting that individual with his car.So he tried to halt in time, but the brakes didn't work.So he tried to blow the horn so the person would avoid his automobile.


His car is like being controlled by something, and he is unable to stop.He became terrified and frustrated.

"Move,move..."Ethan yelled at it.Because of the fog, he can't see him clearly.He can only see his dark figure as His car lights doesn't work anymore.

It's getting close.That person stands motionless in front of Ethan's wild car.Ethan only has one choice.To avoid hitting that individual, he drove into the woods on the side of the road.

Unfortunately, his vehicle sped up and collided with the large tree.

"Fuck"Ethan's head soaked in blood, and his vision began to distort.He tried to take his phone and call for help, but it was entirely shattered.

'Am I going to die?mom.'I am scared.'Then his phone fell to the car floor, and his consciousness began to fade.

A 25-year-old man with dark black hair was trapped inside the entirely crushed car at the side of the road.

He has no idea that the person he is frightened of hitting is not a human being as he believes.

'What awaits him in the dark?'

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