Chapter -4

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When two of them noticed Ethan's face.They turned paler.

One of the females, who has dark brown locks and is slightly older than the older one, has grown aggressive and her eyes are filled with fury.

"Hello, I was wondering......"As he couldn't continue his sentence, the brown-haired woman threw the cup she was carrying harshly at the black-haired boy.

Fortunately, it did not hit him and passed by his face before collapsing on the ground.


Ethan was perplexed by her sudden hostility toward him, despite the fact that she knew him.In fact, she is familiar with Ethan's body.

"You shameless brat, how dare you show your filthy face in front of me?"She shouted fiercely and dashed at the confused boy, intent on harming him.

Ethan doesn't know what to do; he just stands there confused, staring at the wild lady who is running towards him with the intent of hurting him.

"Run, Lucas, run..." pleaded the silver haired girl.

At that point, Ethan realizes what is happening and flees from the woman who is about to seize him.The girl and the servants restrained her for letting the guy to flee.

"I'm going to kill you..... it's because of you."This time, I'm going to kill you with my own hand.Let me go....Aghhhhh"

When Ethan turned around, he noticed the woman acting like a wild animal, staring at him with hatred and rage.Shouting and attempting to break free from the maid's hands, she wanted to chase after Ethan.She's horrifying.But the girl next to her has mixed feelings as she looks at Ethan.Did this body owner has done something wrong to them?

'Lucas, that's what she called me, so this boy's name is Lucas, but why does the woman despise him so much?This place is dangerous for me.'I better get out of here quick.'

Ethan thought as he looked at the similar style wall with several paths in front of him.He chose the middle ones and run off at full speed.

But he feels like he arrived at the same area and then heard that woman's voice.

"Where are you, Lucas?" she cries, creepily.

'Fuck!She is quickly free, and she is following him.'Ethan hurriedly ran behind a big wall.He then takes a brief glance at her.

She appears to be lot calmer than before, and she is smiling with a terrifying grin.More importantly, she is clutching the butter cutting knife that Ethan noticed on the table where the two women were previously having their refreshments.It's perilous.She seemed to be meant to do it.The other woman and the maid are nowhere to be found.The crazed woman seemed to know every path in the maze.She has the upper hand over the black haired boy, who has no idea where he is.

She is moving closer to the location where Ethan was hiding.

"You whore, Lucas."Nobody will come to help you this time.Now no one can stop me.hehehehe......"Woman stated in a chilly tone.

'Is it this time?So she's saying that this isn't the first time she's tried to harm the owner of this body.What a crazy lady.Despite having a weapon, she is still a lady.If she gets me, I'll be able to fight back.'However, it's best if she doesn't find out.'

Ethan's heartbeat rose as she approached his hiding place.

She seemed to sense something and then swings the knife fiercely at the location of the loud noise.

"I found you," she exclaimed happily.

However, it is only a cat.

"What is that filthy animal doing here?" she asked, moving back.She closes her nose in disgust since she is allergic to cats.She leaves in disgust and goes to another location where she believes Ethan is hiding.

Actually, Ethan was hiding behind the wall in front of area she was swinging her knife.

Ethan is secretly grateful to the cat because if the cat does not show, the woman will find him and stab him with a knife.He glances at the black cat who is staring at him.

The woman's footsteps became increasingly distant.He looks in the direction of the woman and runs away to the opposite direction.

When he arrives to one particular place.

"Hehehehe," Ethan overheard the children laughing.It is becoming increasingly loud.He was taken aback when he noticed the shadow of young child running through the maze.It's very fast.This is not something that a normal human being can do.

Ethan began to feel uneasy.

The giggling sounds louder and louder.It gave him goosebumps and then it suddenly stopped, and the running figure of the boy also vanished.It frightens Ethan even more.He suddenly heard the footsteps of someone approaching him.

He swiftly turned around and prepared to flee.

Around 8-year-old boy wearing a black shoulder strap with short pants and a white shirt underneath.He appears to be happy emotions and has hugged Ethan with his little body.

"Lucas, you've finally returned."I miss you so much," the child remarked, sobbing.Hisveyes' eyes well up with tears.He's been waiting for this boy for a very long time.

He seemed to be on the verge of crying.Ethan was taken aback by the quick touch, but seeing this pitiful child embracing him as if worried Ethan will leave him makes Ethan feel bad.

He believes the boy has some connections with this boy named Lucas, so he decided to play along.

This could be his chance to find his way out of the maze.He needs help from this child.

Lucas bends his knees to face the child.He smiles sweetly while tenderly wiping the child's tears.After all, he is a teacher.He knows how to handle a child.

"Yes, my dear, I comeback."

Ethan's response made the child much sadder, and he cried even more while embracing Ethan's neck.Ethan was just slowly caressing the kid's back and comforting him, waiting for the moment when the kid entirely calmed down.

*Sniff sniff*After a long period of sobbing, the boy finally calmed down.

"Have you already calmed down, dear?"

"Yes, I am.I'm happy to see you again, big brother Lucas.Let's head back to the mansion."Everyone will be pleased to see you again."The child smiled delightfully.

'I don't think so,' Ethan thought, he just witnessed that people are not pleased with his presence.

Ethan shakes his head.

"I'll return later; now I have to do something important."Can you help me?Dear"

Fuck, he has no idea what his name is.He'll be suspicious if he asks, so he merely refers to the youngster as " dear."

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