Chapter -10

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"Everyone is behaving strangely today."

Ethan pretending to read the books while observing the maids' strange expression.They appear to be scared of something.Not only them, but even family members were whispering to each other in the ballroom.

Of course, Ethan was not invited in their talk, so he just peered through the gap in the door.

'What are they talking about, they look terrified of something'

"What are you looking at?" says an attractive voice from behind him.

Alexander also attempted to see what Ethan was looking at.

Alexander caught Ethan off guard.

"No, I was just curious," Ethan responded uncomfortably.

"Haha..... why do you look so scared, Ethan.I'm not going to blame you for these types of things.They're only talking about the mansion."Don't worry," Alexander remarked as he totally closed the door gap.

Ethan has realized that Alexander does not want him to know about the chat.

"Come,Lucas."I have something to say," Alexander takes Ethan's small hand in his and leads him to the room.

"Here it isn't that beautiful," Alexander commented as he wrapped the stunning necklace made of little diamonds around Ethan's neck.

"It's lovely, but..."Ethan tried to complain that he is not a woman and should not be wearing those accessories, but he didn't want to upset Alexander, so he chose not to speak.

"It's my present to you.""Promise me one thing: never take it off."

"OK," Ethan responded shyly.

Ethan blushes as the blonde-haired attractive boy smiles pleasantly and kisses him on the cheeks gently.

'If you keep doing this, Alex, I'm going to fall in love with you.'

"One more thing, Lucas.I have to get somewhere.So I won't be here tonight."Be sure to listen to Robert and go to bed early."

'He won't be here, does that have anything to do with why everyone looks so strange?'Where will he go, and why did he ask me to sleep early?'

Alexander kissed Ethan and then exited the scene.

Ethan was not permitted to follow Alexander as he left the estate.

The sun gradually sets.It's already six o'clock.

Ethan has finished his meal and is currently relaxing in his room.Some maids went vanished.Today the mansion appears to be much quieter than usual.It's becoming colder and colder.

"Sir Lucas, may I come in?" butler Robert requested nicely as he tapped on the door.

"Come in," Ethan said.

The butler entered, carrying a glass of orange juice.

"Sir Lucas, please have some refreshment" he suggested.

But Ethan has no desire to drink.

"Please take back, I don't want to drink."

Normally, if he says something like that, he will leave the room.But tonight, he simply stares at Ethan, impassive.

"No, you have to drink this," Robert stated firmly.

'What is up with him, why is he forcing me even though I just said I didn't want it?'Is there something in the juice?' Ethan wondered as he saw Robert continue to give him the juice with a scary expression.

He appears to be threatening Ethan with force if he refuses to drink again.

"All right, I'll drink."You can put it over there," Ethan answered, pointing to the table.

But Robert didn't appear to enjoy his response.

"Please drink it now, sir," he replied aggressively.

By glancing at the butler persistently, Ethan knows something is wrong with that drink.

"OK, okay...I'll drink it," Ethan muttered as he cautiously took the glass and drank it all in one gulp.

The butler appears to calm down after ensuring that Ethan swallowed all of the juice.

"Then excuse me," he murmured as he walked out of the chamber.

As soon as the door closed, Ethan ran to the sink, shoved his finger in his throat, and vomited all of the juice he had just had.


Ethan successfully vomited all of the juice.But the taste is still on his mouth.Something is in the drink.

He went back to his bed.

He gets dizzy just sitting on the bed.

'why am I so sleepy?' That drink contains sleeping pills, but I'm quite sure I vomited everything, which is why I'm still drowsy.

Ethan can't fight his desire to sleep and falls asleep.

The drink does include extremely powerful sleeping drugs.Even if he only dinks a little, it's enough to put him to sleep for the entire day.Whatever happens, he won't wake up.Even though Ethan vomits all of the juice, a small amount of it enters his body and causes him to fall asleep.What is it that they want Ethan to do tonight?

*Tik tok......tik......tok.....tik*Every clock in the mansion stops at 12:00.

The beautiful mansion had been transformed into an old and abandoned mansion covered with spider webs and dust.The plants and flowers in the garden withered away.Everything around the estate gets dry, and the once stunning and gorgeous mansion transforms into the creepy mansion it truly was.

Unknown creatures' cries and weeping can be heard.


Ethan awoke when he heard the cries.

He stood up swiftly and looked around the room with an unbelievable expression.

He can't believe what he's seeing.

The luxurious chamber in which he has been staying transforms into a shabby and abandoned room.The spider web and dust were all over the ceiling.It appears to be in poor condition.

The bed on which he has recently slept is covered in a large white cloth.Not only that, but all of the furniture is wrapped in white cloth.

"What is going on?"

Ethan is suddenly terrified and unable to think clearly.Fear has taken over him.He heard strange noises of grief crying.It's extremely loud.

He ran for the door, intending to flee, but the door was locked from the outside.

"Shit.... Shit...... Robert...please open the door.""Open the fucking door," Ethan pleaded.
But no one was waiting outside the door.

Ethan shoved the door open, but it was futile.

As a result, his gaze is drawn to the window.

There is only one option.

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