Chapter -11

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Ethan safely climbed down from the window and landed on the ground.He then rushed to the front of the residence.

Looking at the familiar creepy Garden in front of him and the antique statue.He kept walking as recollections of the first time he entered this home came through his mind.When he first saw the people from the mansion, he thought it was all a dream, but now it's true.It truly happened.

So that night was true.He shut his teeth as he questioned whether the time he spent in this place and the people in it were real or not.

Then he detects the familiar light in front of him.

It's the terrifying maid he met when he first visited this mansion.She is standing next to one of the statues, staring at Ethan with her one eye bulging from her eye socket.

She moves slowly towards Ethan.Ethan is so terrified that his leg no longer moves.He's completely freaked out.

'Come on, run away!'He can't move a single muscle.

She gets closer and closer.

'She's going to get me,' Ethan thought as he closed his eyes and braced himself for the worst.

To his amazement, the maid ghost does not attack him; instead, she tightly embraces his body with her cold and decaying body, and despite the fact that her mouth is sealed by red thread up and down, Ethan can hear her wailing sounds.Her body was emitting a distinct rotting odor.

'She has no intention of hurting me.'

Ethan began to feel sorry for the poor creature who was holding him and crying pitifully.

He gently pushed her away from him so he could see her face.The woman accepted to it.

Her face is still horrifying; maggots are creeping within her eye hole and beneath her ripped flesh.But Ethan tried his best to approach her.

"What do you want from me?"

The maid appears to understand his words; she started tearing her mouth open in an attempt to remove the crimson thread.She is desperate to tell him.

"Wait a minute, if you do this, your entire mouth will drop out.""Let me help you," Ethan murmured as he stopped the maid's hand which is about turning into a skeleton.

The maid came to a halt, and Ethan rapidly scanned the surroundings, discovering a pair of old and rusted scissors at the bottom of the bushes.It's not strange that this type of equipment is seen in a garden area.Ethan quickly picks up and walks approaches the scary maid.

"It's old and rusted, but I'm hoping this will work," he said, rubbing the scissors head on the stone floor to sharpen it.

The maid was simply watching at what Ethan was doing.

"I think it's ready," Ethan exclaimed.

He then softly touched the maid's very cold face and carefully cut the threads that attached to her mouth.

*Snip snip snip snip*

"This is the last one"

The maid's mouth is no longer bound.

"Lucas," the first words out of her mouth.

Her voice recalls Ethan of someone he knows well.It's a lovely, gentle voice.He has a sensation in his chest.What exactly is this sensation of grief and regret?

Ethan is unable to talk due to overwhelming emotions.

The maid smiles with her wounded mouth and caresses Ethan's face with her skeleton hand.

"Lucas, I miss you badly.Do you remember me?It's me, Lily."I never imagined this day would come."

The maid said, her voice cracking.

Ethan is at a loss for words and feels compelled to tell her everything.He feels secure in her presence.

"My name is not Lucas.I know I look like that person, but my name is Ethan, and I was in an car crash on my way to see my mother.I arrived at this mansion and opened my eyes to find myself in his body."I am not him," Ethan stated, his voice shaking.

Why is this happening to him? What went wrong?Tears are starting to flow.

"Come on, I'll show you something."The maid claimed she grabbed Ethan's hand and led him to the water fountain.

"Look in the water," she demanded.

Ethan glances at the water and sees his reflection; he no longer has Lucas's face, but rather his own.

"What, how could this happen?"As he glances at the maid, Ethan is taken aback and unsure what is going on.

"Now you look again."

When he glanced again, he was transformed back into Lucas.

"How is this possible?"

"You are Ethan, but you were Lucas in your previous life," the maid explained.

"You and Ethan are the same person.You change your form since you are not human.You are now a lost soul.Your body is still inside the car, miles away from the mansion.The people who lived in the home died a long time ago.You were trapped with them in another side, in the spirit world."

"No, no, can't be that I haven't died yet, and then why I have no memories of Lucas."

Ethan shakes his head violently, unable to comprehend what he has just heard.

"You will eventually remember everything."You are still alive and well.Ethan.You are now trapped between life and death.I tried to warn you, but he wouldn't let me get close to you.However, tonight is the full moon, which connects the spirit world to the real world.That is why you can see the mansion for what it is.You must return to your body before it is too late.If you cannot travel back in time.You will die, and your spirit, like the other people, will be trapped inside the mansion.He had this planned all along."

When Ethan gets out of the car, his body and spirit are separated, and only his spirit emerges.His body was located in the car.

"Alexander?"Ethan began to figure out what was going on.

"He is the monster."He had all of these miserable souls confined inside this home.He's a curel man, and he wants you at his side.In your previous life, you successfully escaped him."

"Is he the one who cruelly seals your mouth?" And the person who was standing in front of my car at the time of my accident."

"Yes, he is," the ghost maid responded solemnly.

'I think I'm going to puke,' Ethan is unable to control himself any more.

All these days, he's been spending time with the monster who tried to kill him.

He was disgusted with himself.He has been sleeping with the monster and the person from whom he wants escape in the previous life.

"Lily, could you please tell me how to get out of here?" he pleaded urgently.

"You must find the key and exit through that door."But I'm not sure where the key is.You has to find the key."

"That's correct, Key.Ethan whispered, "It should be in the mansion."

He can't find it in his room or anyplace else, but there are some areas he hasn't looked yet.

"Today is the last moment you can return to your body."Your body has become so weak," Maid warned Ethan.

"What's that thing around your neck, Ethan?"

Ethan looks back at his neck, surprised.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2023 ⏰

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