|°CHAPTER 43°|✔️

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Classes are always this boring? Or is it magically today cause keerthana was sitting on the first bench and listening aka trying to listen but then the professor was determined to make her fall asleep?

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Classes are always this boring? Or is it magically today cause keerthana was sitting on the first bench and listening aka trying to listen but then the professor was determined to make her fall asleep?

The time was around 4! Last class of the day and keerthana had one task which was to escape the parking lot and reach her flat somehow cause the man she agreed to be in a mutual no-string-attached relationship with might be waiting outside and dragging her with him the race.

Bike racing was something keerthana loved always! She still remembers how her entire neighborhood watched her ride that royal Enfield her brother could not but right now keerthana did not wanna face and race with  Arjun cause she did not know what other tricks he had to win and give her a task.

"Miss Varadarajan!" The professor yelled and she immediately stood up banging the desk!

"You looking for this girl Arjun?" The professor asked and Keerthana's eyes immediately shot to the door entrance where Arjun stood with his hands tied back, body all stiff and straight.

"Yes sir! Her little sister is here and she is needed!" He said like an army man and keerthana stood rethinking her entire life!

When did she have a Lil sister? Where? what was happening?

Looking at the way keerthana stood! Arjun stepped in held her wrist grabbed her bag from the desk dumped her books and dragged her outside the class.

Keerthana hated how Arjun was every teacher's pet and they trusted him with everything.

"Where and how do I magically have a sister now?" Kiki yelled at Arjun to which he shrugged

"You kept on escaping for a week from the decided race and I know your tiny brain had already planned for today so I had to practically kidnap you!" Arjun said and started walking and just like that kiki's legs automatically started following him

"You know I was not escaping"

"Yep just Running away!"

"Ahhh! Let me complete I was just helping Aditi and Aravind for a date and I had to leave early" she said and Arjun nodded
Not listening to her

If not for the height difference keerthana would have not minded taking a rod and hitting his head but nah jail was too early for her and she had to play Cupid as promised so she quit the idea

"You know what Arjun! I am dressed up in this skirt and I came to the college with Aravind so I just can't do the race today" keerthana said feeling so proud of herself but that was true keerthana was dressed up in a black and white square skirt and black tee!

"Right! I can't let someone see what's mine!" Arjun mumbled to himself, still getting on the bike

"Did you say anything?" Keerthana asked and he nodded as no

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