Arrived to Savannah

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Episode 4 Around Every Corner

The group (Lee, Randy, Howard, Clementine, Kenny, Chuck, Omid, Christa, Ben, Doug(twdg), Carley, Douglas(rc9gn), Debbie, Bucky, and Theresa) finally reach the Atlantic city of Savannah... The streets are empty, there are no walkers. The group is walking on the streets and Omid is limping because of his injured leg. Clementine looks at Lee who has her walkie-talkie.

Clementine: Can't I just hold it?

Lee: Not now, Clementine. Maybe later, okay?

Clementine: Okay

Randy: How's Omid?

Christa: His leg's pretty bad.

Omid: I'm fine, Christa.

Christa: You're not fine, you need to rest. He needs to rest.

Douglas(rc9gn): Kenny, how much do we have until we reach the River Street?

Kenny: Should be just a few more blocks up ahead.

Theresa: And there will be boats there?

Randy: I'm sure hope so.

Kenny: There'll to be boats. Have to be. Have to be.

Ben: It's going to be okay. Kenny knows what he's doing.

Howard: Shut it, Ben.

Suddenly, the group hears a bell ringing, coming from a church.

Ben: What the hell?

Christa: Maybe this city's not so dead after all...

Kenny: Keep moving, no one's ringing that bell. It's automatic, on a timer.

Lee looks at his wristwatch.

Lee: What kind of a church bell goes off at twenty past the hour?

Randy suddenly sees a figure running on the tower.

Randy: Someone's up there!

Bucky: Are you sure, Randy? I don't see anyone up there.

Randy: I know what I saw. I'm telling you, there's someone up in that bell tower! Someone alive!

Suddenly, a Female voice is heard from the walkie-talkie.

Voice: If I were you, I'd get out of the streets. Now.

Carley: What the hell?

Christa: Who is that?

Debbie: I thought you said that radio didn't work!

Lee grabs the walkie-talkie.

Lee: Hey, is that you up in the bell tower?

Voice: Hehehehehe. I'm afraid not.

Randy: What do you want from Clementine?

Voice: And ruin the surprise by telling you? Don't worry, I'll see that little girl.

The transmission ends.

Lee: Goddammit!

Omid: Who the hell was that? Was she trying to fuck with us?

Ben: Sounded more like a warning.

Chuck turns around.

Chuck: Ask not for whom the bells tolls...

Kenny: What're you yammerin' on about?

The group turns their backs and they look terrified.

Chuck:... It tolls for thee....

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