Episode 2: Starved For Shoob

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Chapter 1

(Three Months Later...)

It's been three months since the group moved to the motor inn. In the forest, there's a walker eating something. Lee approaches the walker and hits him in the head with the axe. Suddenly, Mark shows up.

Mark: Dammit. What'd they got this time?

Lee: Looks like a rabbit.

We see the corpse of a rabbit.

Mark: Well, that's another meal lost.

Lee and Mark walk in the forest.

Mark: I can't believe we went through all that commissary food in 3 months! It seemed like so much at the time.

Lee: Maybe you shouldn't have opened the door.

Mark: Yeah, except then I'd probably BE food by now. Trust me, I have no regrets!

Lee: A rabbit's hardly a meal, Mark, but... I'd take it. We're all hungry.

Mark: No kidding. Last night, I heard Douglas(rc9gn) talking while he's asleep. He's having a nightmare about the walkers are trying to grabbed and bitten him. This is more than several times he had the same nightmare.

Lee: Well, Douglas(rc9gn) is just a bit traumatized, he needs a space after the attacked at the drugstore.

Mark: Yeah. When I accidentally grabbed for Carley's rations the other night, I thought she was gonna take off my hand.

Lee: We're all on edge. Just cut her some slack.

Mark: Yeah. Also, both Doug(twdg) and Howard are driving me insane! With Doug(twdg) talking about pies and Howard talking about fried chicken and nacho cheese. To be honest, I would do anything to eat a nacho cheese right now.

Lee: Yeah, I know.

Mark: Yeah, I wish I knew for sure how much food we have left.

Lee: Not enough. According to Lilly, we've just about hit the last of our food reserves. Some people might have to go without tonight.

Mark: You mean "Lilly's Lottery" again. Kenny, Howard and Debbie are gonna be pissed.

Lee: She thinks everyone should have an equal chance of missing a meal.

Mark: You think Kenny and Howard are having any more luck than we are out here?

Lee: I sure hope so.

Mark: Yeah, between the lack of food and Kenny & Lilly fighting all the time, things are getting pretty tense back at the Motor Inn. You know Kenny's been talking about taking off if he can get that RV running. And Debbie wanna leave this motor Inn too.

Lee: He's got a wife and son to look out for. Debbie's just annoyed because of how Lilly and Larry are ordering her around, she's gonna bring her friends with her too.

Mark: And they're safest in a big group. Going out on their own will get them ALL killed. Can't blame him, though - did you see how Larry was going off on him, Debbie, Theresa, Bucky and Douglas(rc9gn)? What's the old guy's deal anyway? Seems like he's got a problem with you in particular.

Lee and Mark spot a crow.

Lee: Larry's just looking out for his daughter.

Mark: Hey, I know Lilly. She can take care of herself. He needs to take that energy and put it towards finding us some more food. And I know Lilly thinks he's getting weaker, but the guy's all muscle! He's a walking piledriver! I know me and Douglas(rc9gn) wouldn't want to be stuck in a room with him! And didn't he punch you in the face one time?

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