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|| 𝙴𝚗𝚐𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚑 𝚒𝚜𝚗𝚝 𝚖𝚢 𝚏𝚒𝚛𝚜𝚝 𝚕𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚞𝚊𝚐𝚎, 𝚜𝚘 𝚒 𝚊𝚙𝚘𝚕𝚘𝚐𝚒𝚣𝚎 𝚒𝚗 𝚊𝚍𝚟𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎 𝚒𝚏 𝚒𝚝 𝚒𝚜𝚗𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚋𝚎𝚜𝚝<𝟹 ||

It was Saturday, still dark and gloomy outside, The pouring rain tapping on Travis' window as it came aggressively from the sky. It was only 4:30am, travis was asleep curled up under his blanket, snoring quietly when he suddenly heard banging on his door, waking up quickly, looking at the time on his clock, it was still 5 minutes before he had to wake up but, if Kenneth said he had to be awake, then he had to be awake. He yawned, hearing his father yell through the door. "Travis! Wake up, I need breakfast before I go to the church." He called out, Travis immediately responding back, because he knew what would happen if he didn't answer with the right words.

"Yes sir!" He then managed to get out of bed, still having barley any energy at all, he knew he didn't have to be up this early, it was Saturday, and plus, he was gonna stay home all day anyways, what was the point of waking up at 4am?? Whatever, he shook the thought away before getting dressed in a white, short sleeve collared shirt, then layering his favorite purple sweater on top of it. He put on a pair of Jean shorts, socks, and then those bright green shoes of his. If he was gonna wake up this early, why not go out when the sun rises as well? The sunrise was really pretty, after all.

"TRAVIS HURRY UP!" Kenneth screamed from downstairs, causing Travis to jump a bit before rushing downstairs, shutting his door behind him, but not slamming it, he knew way better than to slam a door in Kenneth's house. Travis hurriedly went to the kitchen, grabbing a pan and eggs from the refrigerator.

He had ended up making Kenneth waffles and scrambled eggs, to which..travis had accidentally burned, setting off the smoke alarm. Travis' eyes widened, he knew he was in for a beating now. He quickly grabbed a oven mitt, waving the smoke away from the alarm, trying to make it quiet before Kenneth heard but, those hopes vanished immediately when Travis heard Kenneth do a very loud sigh in the dining room.

Travis cursed himself in his mind, finally getting the smoke alarm to stop, he threw out the burnt food, quietly whining as he heard the sound of food just, plopping into the garbage can like that. He would've eaten that burnt food if it was served to him, but, this is Kenneth. If he tried to serve Kenneth burnt food? He would be killed. Literally. That isn't even a figure of speech.

Travis quickly began to remake the food, looking at the time on the stove. 𝟱:𝟬𝟯𝗔𝗠. His dad was gonna be late to church if he didn't finish this food in 12 minutes exactly, he hurried to make the eggs, then the waffles which took less time then the eggs, when he was finally done with everything and it was all on a plate, he looked at the clock again. 𝟓:𝟏𝟎. Perfect, that left 5 minutes for his dad to eat before being late for work, he owned the church, so Travis had no idea why it mattered if he was late or not, but he was smart enough to not question his father.

He placed the food in front of Kenneth, then sitting at the table in the chair across from Kenneth, his eyes staring down the entire time, knowing very well that he couldn't make eye contact unless he was told that he had to, or that he could. When Kenneth was done, the time was 5:16. Shit. Did Travis make too much food? Was Kenneth eating slow on purpose? Travis' thoughts were absolutely spiraling, till he was snapped out of it by the older man in-front of him calling his name out. Travis quickly looked up, making eye contact.

"Come on. You know where to go." Kenneth said harshly, and of course, travis knew the answer, but, he was too scared to go. There was this room in their house, filled with crosses, and other holy things, that's where Travis got all of his punishments. Travis immediately began shaking, that wasn't a normal reaction for any child..instead of running upstairs to that room, he ran upstairs to his bedroom, locking the door and just panicking. Fuck. Why'd he do that? What's wrong with him? Why didn't he just listen!?

Kenneth, downstairs, sighed. Quickly going up after Travis and banging on the door, rattling the door knob, and when he finally decided he wasn't able to get in by yelling at Travis..he punched a hole in the door, leaving Travis to just standing in the corner of his room, tears welling in his eyes as he shook in fear, Kenneth was able to unlock the door with the hand he punched through the door, then throwing it open, great. Two holes Travis had to fix. Travis just hid his face with both arms up in front of him, which was followed by a laugh from Kenneth. Grabbing Travis' arm and throwing him to the ground, not understanding how that could hurt and why Travis was sobbing, breaking down.

Travis was making loud 'hic' sounds as he cried, he was terrified of his own father, no child should feel that way. Kenneth then stepped on Travis' foot harshly, scolding him as Travis just winced in pain, tears flowing out of his eyes like a river. "What, are you a wuss now too?" Kenneth degraded travis harshly, doing everything he could to get a reaction out of the boy. "FUCKING APOLOGIZE." Kenneth yelled, Travis answering in turn, but not out of respect, out of fear. "I'm sorry sir!" He wailed, trying to stay calm but failing. Kenneth just stared down at Travis in disgust before..his whole tone changed, kneeling onto the floor besides Travis, placing his hand on his cheek, Travis flinching. "You know I'm only doing this because I love you, right?" Travis nodded in fear, Kenneth smiling, kissing him on the forehead and leaving the room..it was now 5:32.

I guess Kenneth could be late if he wanted to be.

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