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      Travis had stayed talking with a sal for around another hour, the nurse had left the office for a lunch break. Honestly, Travis was really enjoying talking to sal, he couldn't ever say that out loud but.. it was true. He was having fun with Sal, and not that kind of fake fun if your parents forced you to have a play date with someone, this was real fun. after that truly amazing hour, the nurse came in, turning to Travis.

"Your dad's here, Travis."

Travis' heart sank. She must've called him while Travis was passed out for the second time. Travis was truly panicking, he was gonna get yelled at, he was gonna get starved even longer now. Fucking hell. The panic was clearly obvious in his eyes because sal had spoken up as well. Sal turned to Travis, setting a hand on his shoulder, which made Travis flinch, very, very hard. "Trav, do you wanna go home with him?" Sal asked. His response was silence.

After a minute, Travis nodded. He wasn't going to say no to going home with his dad, they would call the cops, or something of that sort, and Travis was not willing to deal with that right now, plus, what if the police ended up not doing anything? Travis would get beaten half to death as soon as the cops left. He couldn't handle that.

Travis hopped off the bed, his legs shaky as the nurse helped him to the door so he wouldn't pass out for a third time, Kenneth was just standing impatiently. But when Kenneth saw Travis? He gave him such a sweet, kind smile. The nurse smiled right back, but Travis stayed quiet and looked down at the ground, he was the only person who could see through that smile. He knew that he was in huge trouble.

Travis stumbled over to Kenneth, going out with him to the car. He sat in the front seat, and stayed quiet, so did Kenneth. The car ride was absolutely unbearable..Travis tried to roll his window down, just for some sound to be heard, but, that led to Kenneth hitting him, right on his back, where he was whipped just a few days ago. Travis winced in pain, pulling his hand away and sitting up straight again. So yeah, he was being given the silent treatment, but Kenneth was still clearly, very, very angry.

When they got to the house, Travis got out of the car anxiously. Stumbling to the front door, thankfully making it there and not passing out, he was starting to do a little better. He opened the door, leaving it open so Kenneth could come inside as well. Travis walked into the house, his kitchen was on the Left side when he walked in, so, he turned his head subconsciously, he had noticed that the stove was on, so he looked to see what was being cooked.

       It was a pot. Of boiling water. Holy water.

Travis' eyes widened when he saw it. He already knew what that meant. He turned around, Kenneth standing right behind him. "Travis, go to the room. Now." "Dad please-" "NOW." Kenneth yelled back, slamming his fist on the counter which Travis in response flinched and nodded, going upstairs quickly, he already felt lightheaded from running up the stairs, but he pushed through it. Going into the room. It was soundproof, full of crosses on every wall, the Bible in the middle, as well as a chair right beside it.

That was one of his main punishments, he had to read from the Bible while getting hit, punched, slapped, whipped, etc. and every time he messed up, or winced, he had to restart. And it wouldn't end until he finished at-least 5 pages. Front and back. That was one of the worst ones, but trust me, the punishment he was about to get was much worse..but this wasn't even the worst punishment.

Travis let out shaky, scared breaths as he walked to the chair. Sitting down and taking off his sweater, as well as the white collared shirt he had been wearing. He never wanted to get that sweater dirty, it meant a lot to him. And he had his reasons for it, but that wasn't anyone else's business. Kenneth came into the room a few minutes later with the pot in his hands, as well as a cup.

"Go on Travis. Pick up the Bible, start at Leviticus 18:22." Kenneth instructed, and Travis picked up the book with shaky hands, taking a deep breath as Kenneth walked over, standing up behind Travis, the pot of water in his hands, the smoke flowing out of the water was very obvious. Travis took another breath, beginning to read. "You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomin-" he was doing his best to speak without stuttering, but then Kenneth poured a cup full off the boiling water down his back. And that lead Travis to whine loudly, wincing in pain as his body reacted by dropping the Bible.

All that told Kenneth was that Travis deserved worse. Travis picked up the Bible once again, restarting. He had made it to the 4th page before wincing loudly again, he was in pain, it hurt so badly but, he could just ask Kenneth to stop. He deserved this, didn't he? As he winced, he felt something even hotter hurting his side, it was very hot. Travis just yelped in pain, like a dog that just got it's tail stepped on, he grasped onto the chair he was sitting on. Seeing that Kenneth just burned him with a lighter. "You're being dramatic, Travis. Calm down." Kenneth spoke aggressively towards the boy. So that's what was gonna happen every-time he whined.

Kenneth finally set the lighter down after a good three minutes, Travis was sobbing, trying to stop shaking and crying, he grabbed the Bible with shaky hands. Beginning to read once again. This continued for two more hours, and when it was all finally over. Travis just laid on the floor in that room, sobbing as he had burn makes everywhere, his skin already blistering. He just cried in pain, he hated this so much. He didn't want to feel like this. After half an hour, Travis stood up from the ground, his legs wobbling as he walked to the bathroom.

He just looked at himself in the mirror. God he looked horrible. He grabbed a first aid kit that he had hidden under the sink, he treated his burns by himself, wincing each time he bandaged his burns. Afterwards, he grabbed his sweater from the room and went back to his own bedroom. It was spotless, clean, a lot of kids would've thought it was amazing to have a clean room like that, but not Travis, all it meant was that Kenneth had looked through his room while he was at school that day. Travis just laid down on his bed, on his stomach of course. It hurt too much to lay down on his back right now.

He sighed softly, still crying a little. But the words that repeated in his mind were all the same. "You deserved it, man up and stop sobbing." He felt horrible, sick to his stomach. What was he gonna do when he went to school tomorrow? He had burn marks on his arms, as well as many scars on his wrists. Normally he wore long sleeves, but, it was going to be more than 101° the next day, he had to wear short sleeves, and if he didn't he would just be told to go to the nurses office to go and change into something cooler.

Kenneth was going to kill him if he got another call from the school. He couldn't handle that again.

              I mean, look what happened now.

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